標題: 儀式中的記憶——「六四燭光悼念集會」所承載的香港歷史與身份認同
Those Memories in the Rituals︰ Histories of Hong Kongers and their Identity Tendencies bearing in the June-Fourth Candlelight Vigils
作者: 謝采善
Tse, Tsoi Sin
Lian, Rui-Zhi
Li, Chiao-Hong
關鍵字: 六四集會;非國族敘事;身份認同傾向;香港人;June-Fourth Candlelight Vigils;Non-national historical narrative;Identity tendencies;Hong Kongers
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究嘗試從「香港人」的世代身份認同傾向構成談起,並以香港巿民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(簡稱「支聯會」)所主辦的六四燭光悼念集會為研究個案,透過田野考察和文本分析(Textual Analysis)的方法,藉由檢析二十五年(1990-2014)來,集會當中的主要儀式、主題文宣、空間設置等材料,探討在非中、英兩大國族敘事下所書寫的香港社會歷史,如何呈現出香港人身份認同傾向的轉變、擺盪和複雜性。 面對處於變動關係中的香港社會與現代中國,本文試圖指出在過去二十五年間,六四集會通過調整自身的活動內容來回應與整合香港人的生活經驗,利用儀式的力量和歷史敘事的篩選與應用,讓不同世代的身份認同傾向能夠同時集中、連結和呈現於集會之中,使它們互相磋商和談判,繼而產生新的身份認同傾向與建立新社會關係,並使自身成為象徵特定社會回憶與自由民主的意義符號。
Researcher starts this paper from the identity tendencies’ construction of Hong Kongers and takes the June-Fourth Candlelight Vigils (1990-2014), held by Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Movements of China, as the case study for figuring out the transformative, swinging and hybrid situation of Hong Kongers’ identity tendencies within the non-national historical narrative. This research goes with the field work on the June-Fourth Candlelight Vigils and the textual analysis on main rituals, related publications and spatial settings in Vigils. In the changing relationship between Hong Kong and modern China, this paper attempts to point out how the June-Forth Candlelight Vigils response and incorporate Hong Kongers’ living experience through modifying the activities and themes of itself in the past twenty-five years. Different generations’ identity tendencies can be concentrated, linked up and represented at the same time in the Vigils by the unique rituals power on opening negotiation on those tendencies with specific historical narrative, then new identity and social relations would be constructed, and the Vigils becomes a social symbolic sign of social memories, democracy and civic freedom.
Appears in Collections:Thesis