Title: 應用遊戲化設計於改變社會創新參與者對於解決方案態度
Applying Gamification Design to Change Attitude of Social Innovation
Authors: 張芝穎
Chang, Chih-Ying
Keywords: 社會創新 態度改變 遊戲化 角色扮演;social innovation Attitude change gamification role-playing
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 社會創新(Social Innovation)是透過社群成員以協同合作的方式了解未確認過的社會需求,並藉集體智慧產生創意來滿足社會需求。與企業創新不同之處是它以增進社會福祉為目的,而非以營利為目的。而目前社會創新之推動時常因為參與者對於社會創新參與度並不高進而導致其對於社會創新解決辦法之貢獻度也降低,而無法找到最佳之社會創新解決辦法,透過文獻探討發現,遊戲化(Gamification)是一個能夠使參與者動機提升的機制,其主要是將遊戲設計元素應用在非遊戲的情境中,藉此解決社會創新參與者之參與度較低之問題,並提升其對於實施社會創新解決方案之動機。 在社會創新中,找到解決辦法後要使參與者將其實際實施到生活中,藉由改變社會創新參與者對於解決辦法之態度來提高其動機。因此本研究之目的為利用遊戲化設計特徵,設計一針對社會創新議題之遊戲,進一步探討遊戲化設計特徵應用於群眾對於解決辦法態度改變之效果,以及遊戲化對不同年齡層之成效;而本研究以照護中心作為研究主題,測量參與者對照護中心之態度。 本研究結果發現,遊戲化有助於改變參與者對於解決辦法的態度,其中有角色扮演特徵之遊戲有顯著的影響,因角色扮演可使參與者產生認知失調(cognitive dissonance)之現象;而在不同年齡層之參與者對於社會創新議題之關切點不同。 未來開發社會創新解決辦法體驗平台的設計師,可以運用角色扮演做為設計基礎,針對不同之關切點,使平台能滿足不同族群之需求,輔助參與者完整體驗解決辦法,有助於提升參與者將解決辦法實際實施的動機。
Social Innovation is the collaboration of community members to discover unacknowledged social needs and, by using collective wisdom, create ideas to meet the needs of society. The difference between this and enterprise innovation is that the former’s purpose is to increase social well-being rather than to promote commercial purposes. Because participation in projects of social innovation has been low, it is difficult to find optimal solutions to social problems. Through researching sources, I have discovered that gamification is a method which increases participants’motivation by using game-design elements in non-game situations. The purpose of this study is to use the features of gamification to create a game focused on solving social problems. Furthermore, this study will look at how this game changes peoples’ mindsets on solving problems and how it affects different age levels. The result show that gamification system is useful tool to change participants’ attitude.
Appears in Collections:Thesis