標題: Improving Unfairness Perceptions of Prices
作者: 黃仁伯
Jen-Bor Huang
Huey-Pyng Shyu
Ching-Te Chang
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 成組產品定價;解釋;合理性;價格;Bundling;explanation;fairness;price
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 過去曾有許多文獻探討消費者對價格不合理上漲的感受及其影響,惟僅有極少數的研究著重價格不合理感受的改善方法。本文旨在提出兩種管理者可因應之對策:其一為合理解釋並說服客戶,其二為提供客戶選擇相對成組產品定價。本研究調查868位受訪者,透過八因子(2x4)實驗設計之變異數分析,測試該策略有效性,實驗結果發現上述兩種策略均助於緩和消費者對價格不合理上漲的感受。對未來研究的方向也列入本文探討範圍。
Many studies have examined the perceived unfairness of price increases and its consequences, but few works have examined methods of improving unfairness perceptions. This study examines two strategies managers can employ to improve perceived price unfairness, namely giving explanations and using bundled offers. A total of 686 subjects participated in a study with a 2 x 4 between-subject design to test the effects of the two strategies. The results of the study show that giving explanations and using bundled offers can mitigate unfairness perceptions derived from price hikes. Directions for future research also are discussed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129027
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 26


  1. 2005120126.pdf

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