標題: 內外部網絡對於多國公司在台子公司角色演化的影響
The Influence of Internal and External Networks on the Evolution of MNC Subsidiary Roles in Taiwan
作者: 李貴惠
Guey-Huey Li
Joseph Chwo-Ming Yu
Dah-Hsian Seetoo
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 多國公司;網絡資源;卓越中心;託管中心;MNCs;Network Resources;Center of Excellence;Mandate
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本文採用紮根理論,以台灣為地主國市場的多國公司子公司為樣本,探討網絡資源如何影響子公司取得、強化、維持或失去「卓越中心」或「託管中心」的角色。本研究發現,子公司策略角色的演化與母公司政策、多國公司內部資源流、地主國市場的策略重要性,以及子公司主動出擊打破遊戲規則有關。前二者是子公司的內部網絡資源,後二者則根源於共生與競食二個外部網絡資源的影響。內部網絡資源包括與母公司及其他子公司在各項知識、人才、產品、資訊和技術等的交流,子公司取得內部網絡資源的前提是子公司的信譽,以及多國公司內部有鼓勵資源分享的文化。外部網絡資源包括挑剔的消費者、地主國政府政策及基礎設施、重要顧客、有競爭實力的供應商與競爭者、異業的策略合作夥伴等。子公司打破規則的能力和動力與共生網絡的能力及競食網絡的強度有正向的關係。子公司策略角色的取得、成長、維持、衰退等階段,不同的網絡其重要性程度會有差異;不同類型的策略角色,不同的網絡的重要性程度也有所不同。
This paper explores how network resources influence MNCs subsidiary to gain, strengthen, maintain or lose the roles of center of excellence or mandates in Taiwan by grounded theory. We found that policies of headquarters, flows of resources within a MNC, the importance of a host country and initiative-taking by subsidiaries are important factors for the evolution of subsidiaries roles-the first two represent resources from internal networks and the last two represent resources from external networks. Intra-flow of resources within a MNC include knowledge, people, product, information and technology, etc. The conditions for getting intra-flow resources for a subsidiary are its reputation and a MNC's sharing culture. Sophisticated consumers, favorable host government policies and infrastructure, existence of key accounts, strong suppliers and competitors, and partners in other industries constitute external networks. Initiative taking by a subsidiary is positively related to strength of the local cooperative and competitive systems. In addition, different network resources affect a subsidiary to gain, strengthen, maintain or lose its strategic roles.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129036
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 169
結束頁: 201


  1. 200712169201.pdf

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