標題: 中國地區經銷商進入模式之選擇—以制度及交易成本的觀點
Entry Mode Choice in China’s Regional Distribution Markets:
作者: 陳永瑞
Yung-jui Chen
Chyan Yang
Yau-de Wang
關鍵字: 進入模式;中國;制度;交易成本;網絡關係;模仿行為;entry mode choice;China;institutions;transaction cost approach;network relations;mimetic behaviors
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究調查台灣的食品領導廠商在中國設立312銷售據點。研究顯示,在進入模式的選擇方面,制度因素比交易成本更為重要;同時考慮正式制度與非正式制度。正式制度是指政府所規定的制度而非正式制度是指產業及社會所制定的規則。兩種制度都很都顯示會影響進入模式,但有一個重要的制度變數-職業規範,很顯然在中國並不存在。職業規範是指同業的壓力,這種壓力迫使產業成員的行為符合某種共同的形式。由於缺乏職業規範,網絡的連結及模仿的行為便取代了職業規範而顯得重要。以一個外國廠商要經營中國國內市場而言,台灣廠商在選擇組織的形式方面會模仿先進入者以取得合法的地位。
In this paper, we investigate the entry mode choice of a leading Taiwanese food company in setting up regional distributors in China’s 312 sales districts. Our study shows that, in entry mode decisions, the institutional factors are more important than transaction cost considerations. Both formal and informal institutions are considered. Formal institutions refer to government prescribed institutions (laws and regulations), while informal institutions refer to rules prescribed by the industry and the society. Both institutions are shown to affect the entry mode choices but one important type of institution, professional norms, is conspicuously missing in China. Professional norms exert peer pressures on the practitioners in the same profession, forcing their behaviors to conform to a common pattern. In the absence of professional norms, the roles of network ties and mimetic behaviors are heightened and they become a proxy for professional norms. As a foreign enterprise operating in China’s local markets, the Taiwanese food company attained legitimacy by forming alliances with local wholesalers and by following its predecessors in selecting organization forms.


  1. 180401.pdf

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