Title: | 中國大陸市場進入模式之研究─以筆記型電腦產業為例 The Study of the Entry Mode of Investment in China─The Case of Taiwanese Notebook Industry |
Authors: | 余章宏 Chang-Hong Yu 黃仁宏 Jen-Hong Huang 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 進入模式;海外直接投資;筆記型電腦;Entry Mode;Foreign Direct Investment;Notebook |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 近年來,我國面對總體環境改變所產生的競爭壓力,市場規模不足、工資上揚、地價飛漲、環保抗爭等經濟因素的變動,與非經濟因素之干擾,使得我國產業環境面臨了新的衝擊,也促使業者陸續至海外進行投資,尤其是赴中國大陸投資。其主要目的是尋求生產基地、拓大銷售市場。另一方面,政府自1987年放寬大陸政策赴大陸探親以來,海峽兩岸間的交流日漸頻繁。為了因應全球化趨勢與台灣產業環境的變化,企業為了持續保持競爭優勢,海外投資是企業必然的選擇。而中國大陸具備廣大的市場,充沛的勞力、原料等生產要素,再配合大陸當地政府提供各種優惠措施下,鼓勵外商或台商投資。因此,中國大陸逐漸成為台灣廠商對外投資的主要選擇。 本研究採個案研究法,選取國內四家筆記型電腦廠商之高階主管,進行深度訪談。探討影響筆記型電腦廠商進入中國大陸市場之動機,及影響中國大陸市場進入模式之因素。研究結論如下: 1. 筆記型電腦廠商中國大陸之進入模式以獨資為主。 2. 筆記型電腦廠商應強化研發、行銷核心能力。 3. 筆記型電腦廠商大陸投資時應進行投資風險評估。 4. 影響筆記型電腦廠商中國大陸進入模式因素包括: □外部環境因素中的地區文化熟悉程度、市場需求程度、市場競爭情勢、生產要素與基礎建設。 □產品或服務特性中的產品或服務的成熟度、顧客滿意及需求度、產品或服務專屬性。 □內部環境因素中的國際化意願、企業的規模。 For the past few years, Taiwan’s investment environment has been changed ficerely. For example, the lack of ecomonic scale, the increase of the labor costs, highly increased cost of the land and elevation of environmental awareness, and the non-economic factors’ interference. Thus, Taiwna’s industry is facing a new impact to foster the Foreign Direct Investment to overseas, especially the investment in China. The main purposes of such investments are to evaluate and establish the production sites and to enlarge the market opportunities. In 1987, the government released the law about restricting citizens to commute between Taiwan and China, and the trade between two sides of the Taiwan Strait became more and more important. With the trend of the globalization and the change of the industrial environment in Taiwan, Taiwanese firms should sustain the competitive advantages. The best choice is to undertake the Foreign Direct Investment. China is an emerging market with a lot of advantages, such as growing market, cheaper labors and rich resources etc. The investment incentives of China government allured the foreign or Taiwanese enterprises to invest in China. As a result, China became the best FDI choices for Taiwanese firms. The study is a case study, sampling four companies from Notebook (NB) industry to conduct interview with the top management. The study defined the motivation and the effective factors of entry mode of investment in China for the Notebook industry. The results of the study are as follows: 1.Most of the sampling firms for the NB industry adopted the wholly-owned strategy to enter the China. 2.The NB industry should enhance the core competence on R&D and Marketing. 3.Before investing in China, the NB firms should conduct risk assessment. 4.The factors that influence the choices of entry mode in China include: □External environment factors, such as local cultural awareness, market requirement, market competitives status and production elements & infrustructure. □Product or service factors, such as maturity of the product and service, customer satisfaction and customer requirements. □Internal environment factors, such as willingness of internatioalization and scale of the firms. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71256 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |