標題: 海外市場進入模式之研究 - 以友訊科技進入印度為例
A study of foreign market entry mode - A case of D-Link corporation entry into India
作者: 廖偲妤
Liao, Szu-Yu
關鍵字: 進入模式;印度;網路通訊產業;國際企業策略;entry mode;India;network communication industry;international business strategy
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 自高盛投資銀行提出「金磚四國(BRIC)」後,身為金磚四國一員的印度,逐漸嶄露頭角。印度人口約11.8億,位居全球第二,2004到2006年帄均經濟成長率達8.8%,即使在全球金融風暴影響下,2008經濟成長率仍有7.5%,可見此新興市場仍具發展潛力。然而,印度種姓制度依舊存在,貧富差距極大,基礎建設不佳,企業要能成功進入印度市場並非容易。 友訊科技專注於電腦網路設備產品的開發,成立至今已二十年餘,以「D-Link」品牌行銷全球,全世界60餘國設立超過130個行銷據點,產品銷售遍布170餘國,是國內早期進入印度市場的廠商之一。因此本研究以友訊科技為對象,運用個案研究方式,先介紹網路通訊產業概況,再分析印度市場,最後以其進入印度市場為例,探討跨國企業如何選擇及善用海外市場進入模式,進入海外市場,並合著國際競爭策略,加以經營當地市場,最後再提出相對應之結論,期盼本研究可以幫助國內資訊業者,在了解其企業本身的資源能力和優勢後,找出最適合自身企業的市場進入模式,成功地進入國外市場。
India has stood out in the world since the investment bank Goldman Sachs raised BRIC. With population about 1.18 billion, It is the second most populous country. It achieved 8.8% GDP growth from 2004 to 2006. Even in the global financial recession in 2008, it still grew by 7.5%. Obviously this emerging market has potential for development. However, the caste system has been influenced for many years, the gap between rich and poor is enormous and the infrastructure is weak, therefore enterprises want to enter the Indian market successfully is not easy. D-Link founded in 1986, it focus on developing the network product had been more than two decades. There are more than 130 offices in about 60 countries, and the products have sold to over 170 countries. D-link is one of the companies that entered in India early of our nation. Therefore this study uses the D-Link case. Firstly, it introduces the network communication industry. Secondly, it analyzes India market. Thirdly, it discusses how to choose the proper entry mode for multinational enterprise when entering foreign market, and how to manage the market with international business strategy. Finally, it makes a conclusion. This study would help the enterprises of domestic IT industry to understand their ability and advantages, and finds the suitable entry mode entry into foreign markets successfully.