Title: 不同關係發展歷程下溝通介面功能與顧客行為意向關聯性之研究
The Relationship between Communication Interface Functions and Customers' Behavioral Intentions under Different Relationship Phases
Authors: 謝依靜
Yi-Ching Hsieh
Cheng-Hsien Chen
Department of Management Science
Keywords: 關係行銷;溝通介面功能;行為意向;關係發展歷程;relationship marketing;communication interface;behavioral intention;relationship phase
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 金融產業競爭日趨激烈,不但導入關係行銷的管理思維,也運用各種資訊科技作為與顧客溝通接觸之介面。本研究調查金融業所建制的各種溝通介面。歸納它們的主要功能,並探討位於不同關係歷程階段之顧客,不同溝通介面功能對顧客行為意向之影響。本研究對銀行業進行訪談,並對從事消費金融的顧客共440份樣本,進行因素分析及多變項複迴歸分析。首先,因素分析結果顯示,溝通介面功能可歸納為:品牌經營、交易促成與顧客服務三大功能。其次,多變項複迴歸分析結果顯示,在銀行與顧客間的關係歷程不同的各階段中,各溝通介面功能對顧客行為意向產生不同的影響。
Because of the development of information technology, communication interfaces between customers and financial firms become more and more diversified. The communication characteristics and functions of each communication interface should be different. To comply with different relationship phases, cooperate needs to strengthen different interface functions and develop a well-performed interactive system. In this research, we conduct in-depth interviews and field survey, and classify interface functions into three dimensions, transaction-promoting, customer service and brand-building. Through multivariate linear regression analysis, we discover that the relationships among interface functions and future intentions varied in different relationship phases.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129049
Journal: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 1
Begin Page: 33
End Page: 55
Appears in Collections:Chiao Da Mangement Review

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