標題: 提醒式衝動購買決策-特性及促銷、產品與人格因子的影響
The Decision Characteristics of Reminder Impulse Buying Triggered by Promotion, Product and Personality Factors
作者: 廖淑伶
Shu-Ling Liao
Yung-Cheng Shen
Chia-Hsien Chu
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 衝動性購買;購買決策過程;促銷策略;產品價值;消費者人格特性;Impulse Buying;Decision Making Process;Promotional Strategy;Product Value Appeals;Consumer Traits
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 衝動性購買行為於過去文獻雖多有探討卻未盡全貌。本研究針對「提醒式衝動購買行為」進行研究,並以二個研究探討此類行為特性。研究一以消費者購買決策過程所涉及之前因、過程、後果變數釐清「提醒式」與「純粹性」衝動購買行為本質差異。結果顯示,「提醒式」與「純粹性」衝動購買在消費者購買動機、產品價值尋求、資訊搜尋、決策評估面向、預期後悔與自我生氣反應確有顯著差異。研究二提出一個包含促銷情境因素、產品價值觀點以及消費者人格特性之整合性架構,進一步檢視消費者「提醒式」衝動購買行為。結果顯示,「促銷策略」對於「提醒式」衝動購買的主效果,以及搭配「產品價值訴求」的交互作用均為顯著。
The present study investigates factors of marketing communications and consumer characteristics that influence reminder impulse buying behavior. Study 1 applies the APC (antecedent, process, and consequence) approach to investigate essential differences between the reminder impulse buying and the pure impulse buying. The empirical results reveal that reminder impulse buying is broadly different from pure impulse buying in rational motivations, utilitarian goals, information searching and decision evaluations. Study 2 further examines the influences of promotion strategies on reminder impulse buying with product value appeals and consumer traits as moderating factors. The results suggest that the influences of promotion strategies and its interaction effects with product value appeals on reminder impulse buying are both significant.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129059
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 131
結束頁: 162


  1. 200812131162.pdf

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