Title: 世代別汽車購買行為
Generation Automobile Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior
Authors: 李文宏
Wen-Hong Lee
Jen-Hung Hwang
Keywords: 價值觀;世代行銷;族群定位;消費者行為;生活型態;generation marketing;generation group;value;lifestyle;buying behavior
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 消費者購買行為受到文化、社會、個人和心理所影響,特別針對耐久財的汽車,因屬於高價消費產品和耐久財,其選購過程屬於複雜性的購買行為;而影響影響消費者購買決策的主要因素,除了一般傳統的4P(Product、Place、Promotion、Price)外,世代行銷時常被用來研究消費者行為的方法,國外有很多以世代行銷作為題材的論文,希望在台灣世代行銷也能在行銷市場上多做相關調查與研究。
消費行為會受到個人特徵所影響,這些特徵包括年齡和其生命階段。J Walker Smith & Ann Clurman 以世代觀點做有名的調查:
『Rocking the ages』,以顧客所屬世代的經驗與價值觀所形成的消費動機,做為探討消費者行為的基礎,了解世代經驗如何決定他們喜惡與消費方式,以及如何激發他們過生活,成功的公司藉由溝通出世代消費者的需要、興趣和渴望,才能量身訂做產品。,台灣地區不同年齡層的人口之間,因時代變化,環境在變,在文化上也處處可見世代別的潮流。年輕人的另類術語,成了最流行的溝通語。公司可透過由知曉與瞭解消費者和購買行為,替消費者創造更高的價值並為公司提高利潤。
A consumer's buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors. Especially for a car,that is consumer durable and high price. The car buying roles is complex buying behavior. The traditional study for major factors influencing buying behavior are 4P(Product、Place、Promotion、Price). But a buyer's decision is also influenced by personal characteristics. Such as age and stage in the life cycle we call it generation marketing. People buy different goods and services over a lifetime. Such kind of papers of generation marketing had been published many cases abroad. Hope can be doing same subject study in domestic market.
Consumers’ decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the buy's age and stage in the life cycle. J Walker Smith & Ann Clurman co-author of Rocking the Ages, says that marketer's do have to be careful about turning off one generation each time they craft a message that appeals effectively to another. The idea is to try to be broadly inclusive and at the same time offer each generation something specifically designed for it. For marketers, the most populous age groups shape the marketing environment. The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customer's needs and wants. In Taiwan, the population can be subdivided into some groups. Each group contains subculture, groups with shared values emerging from their special life experience or circumstances. Today's young people are influenced by new buzzword and communication language. Companies may take an outside-inside view of their customers. Through "understanding consumer behavior" and "knowing customers" to achieve many profits as a consequence of creating superior customer value.
The automobile consumer's decision process passes through five stage: problem recognition,information research,evaluation of alternatives,purchase decision,and post purchase behavior. This research is trying to research a small number of recent purchasers,asking them to recall the events leading to their purchase. This research tries to locate consumers who plan to buy the product and ask them to think out about going through the buying process by generation. Make a reference command for future marketing strategy.
The conclusion of this research find there are different wants and need in generation automobile purchasing. For B generation, they hope good brand images when they purchasing a car. Beside that they want ABS function and good price. For X generation,they would good price first then aspect of a car. Beside that they also concern branding and space. For Y generation,the first one they want aspect of a car and ABS function. Beside that they require space and accessory. This conclusion is match with their lifestyle.
Key word: value、lifestyle、buying behavior、generation marketing 、generation group.
Appears in Collections:Thesis