标题: 三维立体深度资讯于视觉诱发脑控显示系统之研究
Development on 3D SSVEP-BCI Based Interactive Displays
作者: 黄乙白
Yi-Pai Huang
关键字: 稳态视觉诱发电位;脑机介面;三维;Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP);brain-computer interface (BCI);3 dimensional
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 随着科技的进步,为了让生活更加便利,高科技产品已是生活中不可缺少的元素。在以人为出发点的理念上,我们所需要的是更方便、更简单直观的操作方法与介面。因此,脑机介面(Brain Computer Interfaces, BCI)成为一门重要的课题。脑机介面是连接大脑与电脑的沟通介面,能够将使用者的想法面直接转换成操作指令进而控制外部装置,是一相当具直觉性的操作介面。
本计画选用的是稳态视觉诱发电位(Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential, SSVEP)作为媒介,但目前以视觉诱发电位做为媒介的研究,所选择的大多是以2D、低闪烁频率(<15Hz)的单色光作为输入刺激源。这样低频率闪烁的刺激,会让人感到不适、视觉疲劳,甚至可能引起偏头痛、诱使癫痫的发作,所以为了改善这些情况,我们选择中高频率(30-45Hz)再加上将2D刺激源提升至3D刺激源,期望降低闪烁感并提高视觉诱发电位的效能。
本计画最终目标是创造出以视觉诱发电位做为基础之脑机介面的应用,为了达成此目标,先探讨不同3D变因对视觉诱发电位的影响,主要分成三大项:1.研究3D影像立体深度资讯对SSVEP的影响。2. 3D显示技术对SSVEP响应之优化。3. 3D显示影像不适感之量化回馈。3D-SSVEP技术不仅可应用于3D显示器上以达到活化显示面板业界之功效,更提供了脑机介面的应用平台,未来将可共同研发出适用于临床医学及日常生活(消费性电子)的脑机介面应用。
With the advancement of technology, high-tech products have become essential to make our lives more convenient. On the needs of the human, an intuitive operation and a more user-friendly interface are must-haves. Therefore, the field of brain-computer interface (BCI) has become increasing popular over the last decade and has resulted in several different systems. BCI is a connection between a person's brain and a computer. Our intentions or operating instructions can be intuitively used to control external devices.
We choose steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) as the medium, that means visual stimuli are utilized in our research to evoke brain wave. However, researches on SSVEP are mostly based on 2D, low flicker frequency and monochromatic input visual stimulus. Low-frequency flicker stimulus will make people feel discomfort, visual fatigue, and may even cause a migraine and a seizure. In order to improve these defects, we choose a higher flicker frequency (30-45Hz) and turn the 2D stimulus into 3D stimulus, expecting to reduce the perception of light flashing and improve SSVEP performance.
The ultimate target is to create biomedical and consumer electronic applications 3D-SSVEP-based BCI. In order to achieve this goal, the effect of different 3D variables on SSVEP will be explored. We divide our research topics into three parts: first, understanding the effects of 3D images’ three-dimensional depth information on SSVEP by EEG experiments; second, the effects of stereoscopic/autostereoscopic 3D displays and imaging integral on SSVEP; third, utilizing SSVEP to observe user’s discomfort from 3D image and giving feedback. 3D-SSVEP can not only activate 3D display industry but also provide the platform of BCI on 3D displays. In the future, combining human insights and clinical expertise, the integration and cooperation in this project can jointly develope BCI applications in medical research and daily life.
官方说明文件#: NSC102-2221-E009-168-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130223
显示于类别:Research Plans