標題: 3D雷射掃描應用與客家文化虛擬博物館建置計畫(第三年計劃)
作者: 郭良文
關鍵字: 3D雷射掃描技術;數位虛擬博物館;數位典藏;3D Scanning Technology;Virtual Museum
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本計畫的目的在於運用3D雷射掃描技術對當代客家建築空間資料進行典藏,並以加值運用的概念將所獲得的空間資料建置為客家文化虛擬博物館。整體計劃分為三個階段,第一階段為對實體客家建築作數位化的典藏,第二階段為建置3D導覽系統,第三階段則為客家文物虛擬博物館的建置與展出。 計劃執行將運用3D雷射掃描技術對國立交通大學交大客家文化學院建築做實體掃描與3D數位空間資料建置,國立交通大學客家文化學院土樓建築是運用傳統客家建築特色所興建的當代客家建築,具有客家建築上傳統與現代融合的指標性意義,因此掃描資料將可提供客家建築在傳統與現代的比較外,更可探討傳統客家建築元素如何運用於具有客家精神與特色的現代建築中的研究。後續的計畫執行將運用完成之3D空間資料,建置網路3D導覽系統,此系統可針對建築模型作詳盡的說明,讓參訪者對建築本身有深入的了解,最後階段工作為將交大客家文化學院的各項研究成果與作品融入導覽系統中,完成建置客家文化虛擬博物館最終計畫目標。
National Digital Archives Program has been an important project of national development policy, which aims to enhance the effective accumulation, inheritance and use of knowledge. The goal of this project is to build a virtual museum of Hakka culture which is capable of presenting research results and art works of Hakka culture to achieve the use and sharing purposes of Hakka cultural knowledge. The completion of the project is planned through three stages. The first stage is to apply 3D laser scanning technology to scan the tulou style building of the College of Hakka Studies, and to build a 3D model of the building as the virtual museum space. The second stage is to create the interactive navigation system of the 3D model and to design the exhibition space. The final stage is to present research results and related Hakka cultural works on the Virtual Museum of Hakka culture Through virtual museum tour feature, visitors can search, and experience the Hakka architecture features and a variety of Hakka culture works and researches to achieve the use and sharing purposes of Hakka heritage collection.
官方說明文件#: 104-01-04
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130238