Title: 提升淨水場用水效能策略之先期研究
Strategy for Increasing Waetr Efficiency in Water Treatment Plants: Preliminary Study
Authors: 黃志彬
Keywords: 淨水場;操作管理指標;水質管理;水量管理;能源管理;用水效能;Water treatment plants (WTPs);Management index;Water quality management;Water quantity management;Energy consumption indicators;Water efficiency
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 傳統淨水場處理程序中,原水經淨水場各處理單元時,各單元之操作效能除影響出水水質、供水穩定性及能源耗損外,淨水程序中之廢水回收方式亦與水場用水效率息息相關,然而,國內自來水事業單位現階段仍尚未針對淨水場運作建立健全之水質、水量及能源管理指標;因此,如何建立適宜之操作管理指標以有效提升水資源利用效率、加強淨水場用水管理及提供質優量足之自來水,成為淨水場管理之首要目標。

High quality and stable water supply depends on the operational performance of conventional water treatment plants (WTPs), which is related to the energy consumption in water supply. The water recycling process also highly affects water use efficiency in WTPs. However, the management indicators on water quantity, water quality as well as energy consumption in WTPs are still not well-established in Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the appropriate management indicators to improve water use efficiency in WTPs. 
In order to establish proper management indicators of WTPs, the information and data associated with the management systems or management indicators have been collected for this project. The relevant indicators of water quantity (i.e., water productivity, load of water production and water recycling ratio), water quality (i.e., acceptability of drinking water quality standard and internal standard) and energy consumption (i.e., year variation in the values of electricity consumption per unit of water production and the percentage of overdue electromechanical appliances) have been defined after two consulting meetings with in-depth discussion on those indicators. After that, six waterworks equipped with accurate water flow meters (the capacity of water production is more than 100,000 CMD), including Dong-Shing, Carp-Lake, Ban-Xin, Da-Nan, Tan-Din and Pin-Din, have been chosen as demonstration sites for running a trial program. Finally, the draft of “Operation Directions for Establishment of Management Index in Water Treatment Plants” is expected to appear in the final report.

Gov't Doc #: MOEAWRA1040266
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130450
Appears in Collections:Research Plans