標題: 淨水場營運效能評估執行、管制及考核計畫
Administration, management and evaluation plan for the operational performance of water treatment plant
作者: 黃志彬
chihpin Huang
關鍵字: 淨水場;營運效能;考核;water treatment plant;operational performance;evaluation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 水廠營運效能評估及提昇制度(OPEE)的建立與落實,對淨水單元之處理功效與淨水場整體績效的提升,扮演著關鍵的角色。本計畫第一年將建立淨水場操作效能評估(OPEE-CPE)執行之準則,然後再定期挑選對象淨水場進行試行。同時,組織分區OPEE-CPE及CTA之諮詢專家社群,建立淨水場操作效能自我改善制度(PDCA)及其技術改善支援系統(CTA),以落實淨水場操作效能自我改善的目的。
OPEE system plays an important role in improving the operational performance of water treatment plant. In this plan, we will bulid the criterion of OPEE-CPE implementation, and drive this program by choosing the pilot targets. Meanwhile, we will organize local experts to carry out OPEE-CPE and OPEE-CTA programs, and establish Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) as well as Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA) programs to help water treatment plant accomplish self-improvement of operational performance.
官方說明文件#: 97TWC23
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102670


  1. RRPG97080119.pdf

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