標題: | 建立本公司淨水場綜合效能評估制度研究與試行 Establishment and Implementation the Comprehensive Performance Evaluation for Water Treatment Plant in Taiwan Water Corporation |
作者: | 黃志彬 Huang Chihpin 國立交通大學環境工程研究所 |
關鍵字: | 綜合性效能評估;水處理;單元處理程序;Comprehensive Performance Evaluation;water treatment;unit treatment process |
公開日期: | 2005 |
摘要: | 藉由淨水場綜合效能評估制度的建立與落實,可對淨水場設計、操作、管理及維護進行整體性的評估與提出改善建議,對淨水單元處理功能與淨水場整體績效的提升,扮演著關鍵的地位。本計畫預期建置出一套本土化自來水淨水場綜合效能評估制度,並藉由評鑑工作執行,確實反應淨水場績效,以檢討並增進操作效能,並使淨水場內工作分工與資訊公開、透明化,俾利於管理工作的落實。
本計畫之最終目標為調查台灣省自來水公司淨水場淨水流程及設施(含廢水處理),進行標準化、實用化及簡單化之準則研究,建立符合省自來水公司淨水場特性之本土化綜合效能評估及系統化管理制度,並透過與國內外相關淨水場之綜合效能評估經驗交流,協助自來水公司達到量足質優之經營目標。 This study is to establish a self-assessment system for water treatment plants of Taiwan Water Corporation, so call Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE). With this assessment system, water supply holders are able to assess their own treatment plants from the viewpoints of design, operation, administration, and maintenance in the plant and provide constructive suggestions for performance improvement. A action plan for CPE implementation and related documents to facilitate the process effectively will be established and be demonstrated on-site for its feasibility. With this evaluation, the current status of plant performance could be qualified and quantified, and the performance limiting factors could be identified. Finally, optimization of water treatment plant performance through the technical assistants and correction will be conducted. |
官方說明文件#: | 93MOEATWC210 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90790 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1105020&docId=209099 |
顯示於類別: | 研究計畫 |