標題: 台灣左翼思想口述計畫(1970年代至1980年代)
An Oral History Project of the Leftist Thought in Taiwan, 1970s and 1980s
作者: 陳光興
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 「台灣左翼思想口述計畫(1970年代至1980年代)」研究計畫目的是逐步建立起第一手口述訪談資料,進而打通對戰後整體左翼思想狀況的理解,才能夠有基礎與亞洲、第三世界與全球左翼思想界進行對話。本計畫推動的基礎在於2006年起對作家陳映真的持續研究,包括2013年「重訪後街:以陳映真為線索的1960年代」系列公開論壇的思想挖掘工作,以及2012年開始參與的「亞洲現代思想」跨國計畫。本計畫在研究方法上一方面繼續以陳映真為線索,一方面將打開研究場域,探究爾後出現更為多元異質的左翼思想空間,時序將從1970年代的經濟起飛跨越到1980年代的政治解嚴。
The purpose of “An Oral History Project of the Leftist Thought in Taiwan, 1970s and 1980s” is to gradually build up an archive of the first-hand oral interviews with actors in contemporary history, so as to arrive at an overall understanding of the conditions of leftist thought in the post Second World War era. Such a grounded understanding will in turn serve to be the basis to be in dialogues with leftist circles in Asia, the Third World and over the globe. The proposed project is based on the continuous research on Chen Yingzhen since 2006, including a year-long series of public forums on “Revisiting the Back Alley: Tracing Taiwan’s 1960s through Chen Yingzhen” held in 2013 to rediscover the conditions of thought in that period of time, as well as on the participation in the Modern Asian Thought transnational project. Methodologically, the proposed project continues to center around the Chen Yingzhen network on the one hand, while investigating the ensuing new space of thought in the complex and heterogeneous leftist circles. The time span moves from the moment of Taiwan’s economic take-off in the 1970s through the lifting of martial law towards the end of the 1980s.
官方說明文件#: MOST103-2410-H009-033-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130477
Appears in Collections:Research Plans