Title: | 道路交通安全管理(ISO 39001)規範之評估及推廣 Evaluation and Promotion of ISO 39001 RTSMS Standard |
Authors: | 張新立 魏健宏 國立交通大學{運輸研究中心} |
Keywords: | 道路交通安全管理;認證機制;ISO 39001 ;Road traffic safety management systems;Authentication mechanism;ISO 39001 |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 我國道路交運事故之持續成長,不但帶給政府極大施政壓力,也讓我國公路運輸業者體會到道路安全管理之重要性。許多文獻指出藉由運輸業道路安全管理系統之建立,可透過管理駕駛員的駕駛行為及車輛的維護與保養,有效預防道路交通事故之發生。因此,近年來世界上許多國家皆倡議導入運輸業道路交通安全管理系統之作業方針 - ISO 39001,來協助運輸業者建立道路安全管理機制。由於ISO 39001所提供之認證規範僅為一指導原則,能否成功地協助我國公路運輸業達到改善其道路交通安全之目標,仍有賴於我國法規制度及主管單位的配合與公路運輸業者之執行能力。基此,本計畫的主要研究目的有四:(一)追蹤評估104年度首都客運公司完成建置ISO 39001標準之道路交通安全績效。(二)針對貨運業與其他運輸業者徵選合適對象輔導其建置ISO 39001道路交通安全管理系統標準。(三)提出適合我國運輸業者應用之道路交通安全管理系統建置參考方針及範例工具(文件)。(四)持續修改對於鼓勵我國運輸業者導入道路交通安全管理系統之建議策略。進而實際輔導運輸業者進行認證申請,並根據實務成效作檢討修正,以期提高整體推動績效。 Motor carrier safety has received increased public attention after several serious crashes in the past years. As a result, there has been a call for a better motor carrier safety management, as the current practices seem to be ineffective due to disconnection between efforts made to improve safety to the numbers of crashes. Many studies have suggested the important role of motor carriers’ safety management on drivers’ driving behaviors and vehicle maintenance in preventing crashes from happening. As such, many countries worldwide have started introducing International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 39001, a standard for a management system for road traffic safety, to guide the establishment of motor carriers’ traffic safety management system. As the effectiveness of such a program relies on all stakeholders’ involvement, including the market, government regulation, as well as motor carriers implementation, this study seeks to (1) track and analysis the RTS performance of Capital Bus Company; (2) select one proper motor carrier and another traffic-related busuness to install ISO 39001 standard with our consulting; (3) conduct SOPs and applicative tools for motor carrier;(4) propose updated stratagies and schemes for promoting RTSMS amongst motor carriers. |
Gov't Doc #: | MOTC-IOT-105-SEB006 |
URI: | https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=11801467&docId=482839 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/131735 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |