標題: Some properties of optimal Cartesian product files for orthogonal range queries
作者: Chou, AYH
Yang, WP
Chang, CC
Department of Computer Science
公開日期: 1-Apr-1996
摘要: Cartesian product file (CPF) has bren proposed as a good multi-attribute file structure. Although designing an optimal CPF for partial match queries (PMQs) has been proven to be NP-hard, some useful properties have been studied for PMQs to help the work. However, a good CPF for PMQs may not be beneficial for orthogonal range queries (ORQs). Therefore, in this paper, we intend to study properties that help the design of a good CPF for ORQs. We found that the problem of designing the optimal CPF for ORQs is related to the problem of finding a minimal-f N-tuple. We will also show some theories of minimal-f N-tuples and develop a method for generating a minimal-f N-tuple. Finally, we will present some properties of the optimal CPF for ORQs from the theories of minimal-f N-tuples.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/1354
ISSN: 0020-0255
Volume: 90
Issue: 1-4
起始頁: 91
結束頁: 107
Appears in Collections:Articles

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