標題: 臺灣屏東市頭分埔北客的聚落化過程及其能動性
The Land Reclamation Process and Agency of the Northern Hakka Immigrants Who Moved to Teofunpu
Pingtung City
作者: 洪馨蘭
Hsin-lan Hung
Hsiao-ching Hsu
關鍵字: 屏東市;北客;再移民;聚落化;能動性;Pingtung;Northern Hakka;Re-immigrants;Settlement Dwelling;Agency
公開日期: Nov-2015
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 屏東市在二十世紀上半葉因軍商功能發展,吸引來自農業地區擠壓出來的外移人口,形成屏東市多元的再移民文化。本文以萬年溪上游來自北部臺灣的客家再移民聚落「頭分埔」作為研究對象,並依民族誌研究法探討其如何生存於此邊隅地區。其中,興建於1956年的庄頭公廟,充分展現該北客社群在社會適應上之能動性,不僅吸納來自平埔部落區帶來的神明,由北客擔任的乩身透過積極請神降壇服務村民,更集結來自福佬社群的資金及地方政治勢力,共構為村庄之信仰與活動核心。透過該核心之運籌帷幄,頭分埔至今仍保留著早期南遷時期的傳說記憶,以及和萬年溪中游另一較早北客聚集區間的關係脈絡。本文即嘗試在有限的文獻中重建其聚落化過程與其再移民之生活特徵。
Pingtung City was once the center of immigration in Southern Taiwan due to its commercial development and military base distribution at the beginning of the 20th century. Most landowners were Hoklo( 福 佬 )
they held the political and commercial power. The “northern Hakka” immigrants and those who resided in Liudui( 六堆)
the traditional “southern Hakka” community
both in charge of some cultivation
formed a multi-cultural society with the Hoklo. The northern Hakka immigrants mainly lived along the Wannian River( 萬年溪)
i.e. Teofunpu( 頭分埔) . No historical record was found in the literature
people only knew that the Wannfu Temple( 萬福宮) of the village was built in the middle of the 20th century. It was the spiritual and ceremonial site of local residents. Taking the Temple as the focus
the aim of the study is to explore how the local Hakka demonstrated their high level of social adaptation. For instance
by accepting gods from Pingpu( 平 埔 )
the aboriginal tribe
and playing the mediumistic role of serving the worshippers. They shared the capital and political power with the Hoklo
and governed the village together. They tried to preserve the historical legends of their ancestors so that their traditions could be passed down. The original landscape
daily utensils and connection with other villages were all recorded. By analyzing the records and understanding how the Temple was renovated
this feature of the northern Hakka immigrants and their relationship with other villages is illustrated
revealing its social cognitive strategy.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=42&CA_ID=440
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 5
起始頁: 35
結束頁: 84
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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