標題: 棄國還鄉:砂拉越華人國族認同之頓挫(1959-1974)
Abandoning State and Returning Hometown: Frustration Shaping the National Identity of Sarawak Chinese (1959-1974)
作者: 羅烈師
Lieh-shih Lo and Min-hsuan Chen
關鍵字: 砂拉越;馬來西亞;國族認同;新村;華人;客家;Sarawak;Malaysia;National Identity;New Village;Chinese;Hakka
公開日期: May-2016
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 砂拉越左翼的人民聯合黨成立的1959 年,一位17 哩平凡而意氣風發的青年入黨,隨後被捕,至1974 年和平協議終於讓牢裡的青年低頭,無奈失望地拋棄那「華人做頭」的砂拉越國族想像,回到17 哩的家鄉。本文聚焦於參與及經歷新村往事之地方人士心情之轉折,察覺其砂拉越國族認同儘管頓挫,但仍然牽動著砂拉越與馬來西亞之間的微妙關係。全文依順敘法,先簡述聚落史,其次描寫故事主人翁1960年代的反殖與反大馬地下武裝運動及被捕入獄的過程,再其次說明武裝運動所導致的強迫遷入新村並隔離的生活;最後則以17 哩等新村後來的發展反襯反抗者此刻依舊澎湃卻也滿腹無奈的矛盾心情,並據此討論砂拉越華人國族認同之頓挫與遺緒。
A spirited young man from the 17th Mile was arrested immediately after participating in the anti-colony and anti-Malaysia movements and joined the left-wing Sarawak United Peoples' Party
founded in 1959. Finally
the iron spirit abandoned his ideal imagination of Sarawak national identity
and came back home in New Village and became a fade farmer or merchant when the Peace Agreement (Operation Sri Aman) was signed by the Malaysian government and Communist guerrillas in 1974. This paper focuses on the changing attitude of the villagers who attended or experienced the communist history of the New Village
finds that even though the Sarawak national identity was frustrated
it still affects the relation between Sarawak and Malaysia. This paper begins with an introduction of the history of the 17th mile New Village. It then moves to the villagers’ narrations about the anti-colony and anti-Malaysia movements
and the cage life in New Village. In the final part
it represents the frustration and lingering affection of the Sarawak Chinese national identity.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=43&CA_ID=457
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 6
起始頁: 179
結束頁: 252
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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