標題: Calculation of Electron Mobility in High Fields by Path Integral Method
作者: 吳慶源
Ching-Yuan Wu
公開日期: 七月-1975
出版社: 交大學刊編輯委員會
摘要: The mobility of elemental semiconductor is calculated for all fields up to breakdown by means of the path integral method. A self-consistent solution of the Boltzmann transport equation is obtained and analytic expressions for thr drift velocity,mobility and the relationship between electron temperature and the electric field is obtained. The validity of this calculation is limited to elemental semiconductors, such as Ge and Si at lattice temperatures high enough so that inter-valley scattering may be neglected, and the scattering is dominated by electron- phonon scattering. A comparison between theory and the experimental results for n-type and p-type Ge is made. It is found that agreement between theory and experiment is good for both n- and p-type Ge. A saturation velocity of 6.10*10^3 cm/sec between 2.1*10^3 v/cm and 5.1*10^3 v/cmis predicted for n-type Ge.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137405
期刊: 交大學刊
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
起始頁: 71
結束頁: 84


  1. HT001306-07.pdf

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