標題: 局部凸空間上的演化方程式
Nonliear Evolution Equations in Locally Convex Spaces
作者: 林朝枝
Chaur-Jy Lin
公開日期: 十二月-1976
摘要: Let S be a locally convex topological vector space. The method of product integration is used to obtain solutions to the time dependent evolution equation μ'(t)=A(t)μ(t),t≧0, where A is a function from [0,∞) to the set of nonlinear operators from S to itself, and μis a function from [0,∞) to S.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137569
期刊: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 2
起始頁: 139
結束頁: =O43-1

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