Title: 雙飄層構造抵穿能障二極體之電流——電壓特性
The Current-Voltage Characteristics of the Reach-Through BARITT Diode with Double Drift Layer Structure
Authors: 余水陽
Issue Date: Sep-1977
Publisher: 交大學刊編輯委員會
Abstract: The current-voltage characteristics of the p+n1n2p+ reach-through BARITT diode has been derived over the entire current range, by combining the thermionic injection effect at the injection junction and the space charge effect in the drift region. The characteristics are calculated for various doping densities ND1 and thicknesses Xs of the n1 layer. At low current injection levels, the current has the thermionic emission form, that is J~A*T^2exp((VFB2+VFB1(2?/X2*1)*V)^2/4VTVFB);at hogher current levels, the current has the space charge limited form, that is J~V.The d.c. conductance of both the p+n1n2p+ and the p+n2p+ structures are compared, and it is found that the slope of the J-V curve forthe p+n2p+structure is greater by the factor (ND1/ND2)^1/2 than that for the p+n1n2p+ structure
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137591
Journal: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 3
Begin Page: 43
End Page: =O63-1
Appears in Collections:交通大學學報


  1. HT001309-05.pdf

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