標題: 客家作家在臺灣文學史的位置:以葉石濤、彭瑞金與陳芳明的臺灣文學史書寫為探討對象
Locating Hakka Writers in the History of Taiwanese Literature: Taking the Historical Writings of Shih-tao Yeh, Jui-chin Peng and Fang-ming Chen as Examples
作者: 邱雅芳
Yafang Chiun
關鍵字: 客家;客家作家;客家文學;臺灣文學史;Hakka;Hakka Writer;Hakka Literature;History of Taiwanese Literature
公開日期: 十一月-2017
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 在臺灣新文學運動的百年洪流,儘管客家作家的數量不多,但從日治時期到戰後的各個年代中,都出現過重要的創作者,也留下具有質量的作品。然而一直以來,客家的聲音並沒有被特別彰顯。晚至1980年代末期,客家族群以「還我母語運動」要求社會正視客家文化流失的危機,可說是客家知識體系的建構運動之重要一環。值得思考的是,此一客家知識體系的文學工程,能否真正反映到臺灣文學史的脈絡當中?因此,本文以三本具有代表性的臺灣文學史:葉石濤的《臺灣文學史綱》(1987)、彭瑞金的《臺灣新文學運動40年》(1991)、陳芳明的《臺灣新文學史》(2011)作為分析對象,探討客家作家在臺灣新文學運動之傳承╱衍變過程中所留下的軌跡。
In the history of Taiwanese literature, there were some outstanding Hakka writers. However, these writers' Hakka identity has not always been acknowledged. Only after the “Return of the Mother Language” movement emerged in the late 1980s, did “Hakka literature” become an important topic of discussion. Nonetheless, whether “Hakka literature” is reflected in the history of Taiwanese literature requires examination. Therefore, three representative works that recorded the history of Taiwanese literature were selected for analysis: Shih-Tao Yeh's A Literary History of Taiwan (1987), Jui-Chin Peng's Forty Years of New Literature Movement in Taiwan (1991), and Fang-Ming Chen's A History of Modern Taiwanese Literature (2011). The focus of this analysis was to examine the position of Hakka writers in the history of Taiwanese literature, with regards to how they have inherited and transformed the movement of modern Taiwanese literature.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=46&CA_ID=494
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 9
起始頁: 249
結束頁: 278


  1. Global Hakka Studies(NO.9-8).pdf

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