Title: 高風險職災管理科技接受度研究 - 以局限空間人員安全管理為例
Technology Acceptance of High Risk Working Environment Management System in Confined Spaces
Authors: 劉明曉
Keywords: 局限空間;定位;通信;監測系統;Confined space;Locate;Communicate;Monitoring System
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 由於局限空間作業時常發生缺氧及中毒等高致死的職災,因此勞動部於2014年通過職業安全衛生設施規則修正案(設施規則第29-7條),明文規定要求雇主使勞工從事局限空間作業時,若有致缺氧或中毒之虞者,應使勞工佩戴安全帶及可偵測人員活動情形之裝置,且該裝置在勞工於一段時間無活動時,應可發出警報,使外部監視或救援人員及時採取救援措施,有效預防職業災害發生。在法令通過前後,陸續有廠商推出相關的設備及方法,但這些設備及方法是否能夠滿足法令的要求,並且被使用者接受,是值得探討的議題。 本研究蒐集了國內目前市面上販售的勞工定位安全監控產品、研究報告、碩博士論文等,一共蒐集了45個職場安全監控案例。根據蒐集之案例分析,我國現行職場作業安全監控主要的方式包括人員管控、安全裝置與設備、氣體感測監控、管理系統、影像監控等。這些實際運行的監控方式,最簡單的是以人員管控為主的RFID身分辨識方法或是以影像監控為主的即時錄影;也有高度複雜且完整的管理系統,例如中碳的人員安全與定位系統及建安網等管理系統。 本研究同時製作問卷及訪談資料,透過質性研究中的深度訪談方式,尋找影響局限空間作業安全管理系統的接受度的因子,分析結果發現易用性及安裝簡易性是使用者最關心的決定性因子,此結果希望能提供給有從事局限空間之企業參考,以降低勞工於局限空間作業時的罹災風險。本研究的限制在於廠商與使用者取得聯繫的方式不易,無法找到不同產業的勞工作為深度訪談的基礎,而本研究透過初探的形式,對於有從事局限空間之企業應該如何進行因應給予大方向的建議,深度訪談所提出的問題皆有進一步深入研究的可能性。
Due to the occupational hazard of the lack of oxygen and being poisoned when the work of confined spaces is going on, thus the department passed the amendment Occupational Safety and Health Facilities Rule Amendments (Article 29-7) , it specifies the rule which asks the employer to obey , that is, if being in the danger of the lack of oxygen and getting poisoned, the employees should wear the safety belt and have the device which can detect the employees’ working conditions, and the device can alarm when the worker stop working for a while, so it can let the outer supervisiors or rescuers can take the rescuring actions in time. Before and after the amendment is being passed, there are some oweners provide some eqipments and methods, but whether those can be up to the needs and accepted by the utilizers or not is an issue worthy to discuss. The research collects the devices sold in the market now ,reports and papers and so on, including 45 cases of workplace safety monitor altogether. According to the case analysis, the major approach of workplace safety monitor now in Taiwan includes the control of members, safety device and equipment, gas sensor and controller, managemant system, monitors and so on. These practical methods of controlling, the easiest way is the RFID identification controlled by men or the immediate recording by the monitors, Also, there is highly complicated and integrated managemant system, for instance, the member safety of china steel chemical corporation, positioned system of rexchip. This research plans the questionnaire and interview datas, through the in-depth interview of the qualitative research, look for the factors which will influence the acceptance of the safety management system of limited space. By the analysis, the outcoming is that we can find the factors which the utilizers concern most are the utilization and installment. The result of the research hopes to provide the examples or references for the enterprises which work on the space limitation, to lower the risk when the employees are working in the limited space. The restriction of this research lies in that it’s not easy to connect the owner with the utilizers, and that it can’t find the basis of the in-depth interview among the workers from different industries. Through the initiatiry investigation, this research provides the outline suggestions for the industries which work on the space limitation to know how to respond and react, all the questions of the in-depth interview have the possibilities of intensive study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070261503
Appears in Collections:Thesis