Title: 從解釋水平理論及廣告訴求看廣告效果
Does the advertisement work? From Construal Level and Advertising Appeals Perspectives
Authors: 楊侑穎
Yang, Yu-Ying
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 解釋水平理論;社會距離;廣告訴求;利他性人格;Construal-Level Theory;Social Distance;Advertisement Appeal;Altruistic Personality
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 由於商品的不同,廠商往往會依照產品的特性選擇不同的廣告訴求,藉以吸引消費者,增加其購買意願。由於環境保育意識增強,企業永續發展的議題受到越來越多的討論,越來越多的企業開始生產環境友善商品,而最常看到的廣告手法為理性/感性的溝通方式,另外,也因為環境友善商品本身特性,其成分多為天然,對使用者也不會有傷害,進而對使用者本身帶來好處,因此以廣告訴求來說,也有強調對個人或對外在環境有好處的差別。這樣的差別在解釋水平理論之下,當個人從自身角度考量將偏向低水平的方式去評斷,也就是以較具體、明確的訊息去決策,因此理性的溝通方式可能更能達成溝通效果,而另一方面來看,當個人從整體環境角度考量將偏向高水平的方式去評斷,也就是以較抽象、廣泛的訊息去決策,因此感性的溝通方式可能更能達成溝通效果。最後,由於購買環境友善商品可能需要消費者付出更多成本或造成不便,利他性的人格可能會提升環境友善商品的購買意願,本研究中同時也討論其對購買意願的調節效果。 本研究中,透過理性/感性溝通手法與利個人/利環境的訴求,產生四種廣告內容組合,受試者隨機觀看其中一個廣告並調查其購買意願。研究結果顯示,當廣告訴求強調對個人帶來的好處時,理性的溝通方式相較於感性的溝通方式有顯著性的影響效果,不過,當廣告訴求強調對環境帶來的好處時,理性溝通與感性溝通的影響效果並無顯著差異。此外,研究結果顯示,利他性人格對於環境友善商品購買不具調節效果,其原因可能為研究中所選定的標的物手工皂無法產生讓對環境有所幫助的想像。
Because of the different feature of products, company usually use different advertising appeals to attract customers and increase their purchase intensions. The issue of environmental conservation is getting more and more attention. The corporates have to deal with the sustainability of the business be developing the environmental-friendly products. Rational/ Emotional advertising appeals are really common. Also, most of time, the environmentally-friendly products are made by natural ingredients. It is not only good for the environment, but also good for the users. Therefore, some of the advertise will focus on the benefit of self and others will focus on the benefit of others (environment). Under Construal-Level Theory, when individual makes a decision that one is involved in it, he or she will tend to use detailed information, on the other hand, if the decision is related to others (environment), he or she will tend to use vague information. In addition, buying an environmentally friendly products is seem as altruistic behavior, which may costs more and give inconvenience to consumers. In this study, we put altruistic personality as moderator. The experiment is designed as a 2(social distance: self-benefit vs. other-benefit) x 2(advertising appeal: rationale vs. emotional) between-subjects design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four condition. By this design, the results can show how advertising appeals can influence purchase intension of consumers. When the advertisement focused on the benefit of self, rational appeal is more effective than emotional appeal in generating purchase intentions. On the other hands, when the advertisement focused on the benefit of others, there’s no difference between rational and emotional appeal in generating purchase intentions. Hence, altruistic personality has no significant effect as a moderator. The image of soap, the subject of advertisement, is hard to be seen as “good” for environment. Soap is for cleaning, and the waste can easily be considered as pollution.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353714
Appears in Collections:Thesis