標題: 台灣與美國近代廣告文化價值趨勢分析
Reflections Of Culture:A Longitudial Advertising Appeals Analysis From Taiwan And America
作者: 鄭文政
Weng-Jeng Jeng
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 廣告訴求、產品涉入、國家文化維度;Advertising;Content Analysis;Hofstede
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本文引用Hofstede的國家文化維度為主類目,並以其它相關廣告文化價值 為變數定義,採用內容分析法分析台灣與美國1969~1993年間之主要雜誌 廣告訴求,以了解廣告表現並探求長期的跨國廣告文化價值變動趨勢。將 台灣1246則及美國1000則廣告訴求作統計分析,主要有跨文化差異性、文 化價值變動趨勢及兩國文化價值收斂趨勢檢定,並引進產品涉入作相關分 析,且按涉入程度作跨文化比較。本研究結果發現,台灣與美國在早 期(1969~1983)廣告訴求的文化反映是有所不同,而近十年來除階級、權 力距離(P.D)、剛性作風(MAS)差距仍在外,跨文化差異已較不顯著,而其 中心安、不確定性規避(UAI)、柔性作風(FEM)可能由於廣告媒體特質使得 兩國無顯著差異。而在文化反映的長期趨勢上,台灣似乎比美國有較多訴 求有明顯變動趨勢,其中對個人主義(IDV)、剛性作風及柔性作風的重視 ,為一致性趨勢;而台灣在權力距離、不確定性規避及群體主義(COL)等 價值則逐漸勢微,然美國則不顯著。就兩國綜合分析,在權力距離、不確 定性規避、個人主義等訴求長期而言將趨於一致(收斂);而剛性作風等差 距則仍持續著。此說明文化價值確實是在變動中,值得重視;而某些文化 價質可能趨於一致,然某些文化價值的差異仍存在,一致性( Homogeneous)市場尚未完全。而產品涉入程度與廣告訴求的相關分析中發 現,台灣廣告中愈高涉入產品顯著有較重視權力距離、明確、科技及不確 定性規避的傾向,而美國廣告中權威訴求亦明顯出現在高涉入程度產品中 。而台灣與美國文化反映的差異性及變動趨勢分析上,亦因產品涉入的不 同而異。 Content analysis was used to examine cultural values manifested in advertising in Taiwan and America from 1969 to 1993. This research attempts to understand the changing trends of cultural values which are recongnized as a powerful force influencing consumer behavior. Hofstede's cultural dimensions were employed for main categories. A total of 1,246 (Taiwan) and 1,000 (America) commercial magazine advertisings were collected. We regard cross-cultural differiences, the values are increasing or decreasing, the trends are converging or diverging, and product involvement levels are also considered. Statistic analysis of the data indicated that the singnif- icant increasing of IDV, MAS, FEM are homogeneous trends and P.D, UAI, IDV are converaging. But the MAS differences between two countries will remain large over time. P.D, INF,TEC, UAI, appeals were emphasized In high involvement product In Tiwan, and American advertisements only AUT appeal was used more in high involvement. Findings of this article have implications for research of cross-culture and strategies of international advertising.