標題: 台灣地區非典型就業之變動
The dynamics of Atypical Employment in Taiwan
作者: 陳淑娟
Chen, Shu-Chuan
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 非典型就業;派遣;失業率;薪資;勞動生產力;就業困難指數;Atypical Employment;Unemployment Rate;Dispatch;wage;Labor Productivity;Employment difficulty index
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在本篇論文中以台灣地區與其它國家非典型就業發展現況比較,並研究非典型就業與失業率之間的變化。另外,一般大眾普遍認為人力派遣業是目前就業低薪的主因之一,且勞動者普遍認為薪資並未隨著工時增加而增加。因此本研究透過迴歸模型檢定方法藉以了解人力派遣工作、勞動生產力(Labor Productivity)與實質薪資(Real wages)之關係。本研究發現:(一) 非典型就業者占整體就業人數比率逐年增加,傳統的失業率可能被低估。(二)本文將失業率及未充分就業之非典型就業率納入統計稱之「就業困難指數(Employment Difficulty Index, EDI)」以真正反應就業市場之現況。台灣地區2008-2015年就業困難指數,除2008-2009大幅攀升之外,其他年度尚為穩定。(三)迴歸模型檢定結果顯示:台灣地區的勞動生產力對實質薪資並無顯著影響,即實質薪資不會因勞動生產力提高而增加。人力派遣人數對實質薪資具有正向顯著影響,即人力派遣人數上升並不會降低實質薪資。
In this research, we depict the trend of atypical employment of Taiwan with other countries and analyzed the dynamic between atypical employment and unemployment. In addition, general opinion that dispatching labor is one of the main causes of low-wage. Therefore, we attempted to use regression model thereby helping us to understand what the relationship particularly between dispatching labor and real wage and between Labor Productivity and real wage is. There are three major findings: (1) The number of atypical employment is continuously increasing in Taiwan, such that the unemployment rate may be underestimated. (2) We add up atypical employment and unemployment to make an ‘employment difficulty index’ (EDI). The EDI in Taiwan increased during 2008-2009 while declined a little bit from 2010. (3) The regression model shows no significant impact from labor productivity on real wages but a significantly positive impact from dispatching labor on real wages.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363727
Appears in Collections:Thesis