Title: | 不同訊息框架在時間距離下對再行銷廣告的影響 The Impact of Message Framing on Retargeting Advertising from Temporal Level Perspective |
Authors: | 陳心瑀 唐瓔璋 陳姵樺 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 解釋水平理論;時間解釋理論;訊息框架;再行銷廣告;Construal Level Theory;Temporal Construal Theory;Message Framing;Retargeting Advertising |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 在網路消費興盛及更加多元的電子商務環境下,如何透過廣告促使消費者回到網站購物受到許多廠商的重視,使得根據消費者瀏覽行為推出客製化的再行銷廣告形式越來越熱門。因此本研究想要針對再行銷廣告中的一般再行銷廣告及動態再行銷廣告進行研究,以解釋水平理論中的時間距離為基礎,配合不同形式的訊息框架進行廣告訊息的操弄,並採用問卷的方式,以租屋為情境探討消費者在於廣告注意力、廣告說服力及廣告回應上的影響。此次研究共回收333份有效問卷,結果以三因子變異數進行分析,研究結果顯示出當時間距離較近的時候能引起較高的廣告注意力,而在廣告說服力及廣告回應中,消費者確實會受到訊息框架、時間距離及廣告類型三因子交互作用影響,在某些情況的回應程度有所差別,因此我們根據結果提出幾點建議來提高再行銷廣告的效果。 With the popularity of online shopping and diversified e-business environment, how to attract consumer to return to the website through advertisement is taken seriously by the companies. The personalized retargeting advertising is increasingly popular now. This study is based on the construal level theory and the message framing to investigate the interaction effect on the effectiveness of the generic and dynamic retargeting ads by conducting the survey (n=333).The hypotheses are tested by 3-way ANOVA. In this research, we find that the advertising can grab consumers’ better attention when they under proximal scenario and the interaction of three factors indeed have significant differences on advertising persuasion and response to the consumers. According to the results of the study, we proposed some ideas to help improve the effectiveness of retargeting advertising. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353106 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/138401 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |