標題: 從最小勝出遊戲到破壞式創新 - 糖尿病呼氣檢測儀器之商業計劃
From Minimum Winning Game to Disruptive Innovation – Business Plan for Diabetes Breathalyzer
作者: 李云蕎
Lee, Yun-Chiao
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 醫療器材產業;商業計畫;策略鑽石;破壞式創新;最小勝出遊戲;medical device industry;business plan;strategy diamond;disruptive innovation;minimum winning game
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近代飲食及生活方式改變,使得糖尿病成為當今威脅人類健康最為嚴重及成長快速的慢性疾病之一。根據國際糖尿病協會(International Diabetes Federation)的統計資料,2015年全球有4.15億人被診斷出罹患糖尿病,病患人數以1.8%的年成長率增加,預計於2040年將達到6.42億人。糖尿病易引發心血管疾病、末梢肢體壞死、中風等嚴重併發症,因此需嚴加照護及監控病情。然而目前市場上糖尿病自我監控器材不僅具侵入性、具疼痛感及價格不斐,更讓病患暴露在易受感染的危險之中,進而導致大部分的糖尿病患者並未定時監測自身血糖值,不僅使得糖尿病監控成效不彰,更進一步增加危急併發症的產生。 D-Life為提升人類健康福祉及減少醫療資源浪費,推出手持式呼氣檢測器測量呼出氣體中的揮發性有機化合物,分析數據後比對糖尿病資料庫,不僅能夠快速篩檢罹患糖尿病之風險,亦可透由氣體的濃度變化記錄、監控糖尿病患者病況控制成果及變化趨勢,進而達到非侵入式檢測、居家定點照護及糖尿病快速篩檢之目的。 本研究運用破壞式創新健康照護(Disruptive innovation in health care delivery)及最小勝出遊戲(Minimum winning games)詳擬糖尿病呼氣檢測儀器的商業計畫,並且運用策略鑽石(strategy diamond)檢視整體策略。期望能藉由創新的技術應用及市場開發策略,成功進入市場並且改變糖尿病監控方式,達到破壞式創新之目的。
Diabetes is recognized as one of the world’s fastest growing chronic diseases. According to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), it estimates that 415 million people were diagnosed diabetic in 2015 globally and it projected to increase 1.8% annually to 642 million in 2040. Diabetes is also a trigger of fatal or non-fatal complications, such as myocardial infarction, hypoglycemia, heart attack and stroke. Current self-monitoring tools are not only invasive, painful and costly but also leave diabetics at the rick of affection. Thus, most of the diabetics don’t monitoring their blood glucose regularly. This situation not only result in terrible diabetes control but also increase the risk of having urgent and serious complications. D-Life Corporation takes these issues as our responsibility of helping people who or whose families are suffering diabetes and related complication caused by carelessness and ignorance. D-life’s first iteration of this mission: a portable device providing customers non-invasive detection of VOCs concentration thru breath. Combined with mobile app and private portal, D-Life provides a smart healthcare hub for the patients and their families to save cost and reduce medical wastes. This research applied disruptive innovation in health care delivery and minimum winning games theory to build up a business plan for diabetes breathalyzer and strategy diamond to review strategic actions. D-Life is looking forward to achieving disruptive innovation - transform diabetes monitoring and pre-screening approach with our innovative technology application and brisk go-to-market strategy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353017