標題: 場所性質
Identities of Place
作者: 江存裕
關鍵字: 場所;性質;個人;群體;社會;Place;Identities;individual;group;society
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現象學從胡賽爾提出回到事物本身以降,便是人們用以理解世界本質的方法之一,不論是舍勒的本體現象學、海德格的此在現象學,亦或是梅洛龐帝的知覺現象學,各個學派都在強調回到真實而非科學的原初狀態去理解我們所存在的世界。現象學的敘述與觀點確實具有其接近事物本質的獨特魅力,在場所精神一書當中便以現象學為主軸,認為建築所創造的真實現象最後便會以場所精神之姿態出現,因此本篇論文前部分將探討場所、建築、使用者三方面的關係,並以場所性質做為創造建築的前置思考。 而論文後半部分則列舉出三大種場所,分別是個人、群體與社會,與其面對的議題分別為行動、集結與共存,再以其下所分支出的場所性質為題發展出六種不同的設計方案,希望以真實現象做為建築思考起點,再以場所性質為建築之目標,最後以場所為載體,創造出建築與人的實際連結。希望在此思考之下的建築設計發展,會使空間跳脫以往單純的機能取向與視覺審美,進而碰觸到身體感知、群體關係跟社會共存等更積極的場所意義。
It has been one of methods people use to understand the world since Husserl(1859-1938) brought up the idea to emphasize things itself. All the parties hold the same point of view to emphasize that we should try to understand our existing world via the realities instead of original status in a scientific way.Indeed, it is very unique how the description and the viewpoint in phenomenology guid us to see more clearly on the truth. In the book, "Genius Loci:Towards A Phenomenolgy of Architecture", phenomenology was applied as the central idea to prove the reality created by architecture will eventually present the space. For the first part of this paper, the relationship between place、architecture and user will be discussed. For the second part, three types of place,individual、group and society, will be listed out and different issues, movement、gathering and juxtaposition will be further discussed. Together with the place identity, six designs will be raised to show the starting point of the architecture via the realities, the goal built by place identity, and finally consider the place as container to create the real connection between architecture and human beings.It's my sincere hope that the development of architecture under this logic will lead to much more meaningful places to improve the flesh, group relationship and harmony in our society instead of seeking the visual appearance as the only purpose.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159517