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dc.contributor.authorYang, Chi-Hungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChung, Hui-minen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Kuang-Chengen_US
dc.description.abstract全球人口老化,臺灣亦進入高齡社會,人民的疾病型態由急性轉成以慢性為主,醫療重點也從治療轉為與照護並重,扶養比例預估在民國140年只剩1.5人照顧1位老人。將來青壯年的經濟負擔勢必加重,除了無法分身照顧長輩,就連社會的照護人力也會嚴重不足,因此,銀髮照護將成為本世紀之熱門產業。 本研究之目的即在提出一個可行的商業模式,以滿足銀髮居家照護所需的服務,再運用科技輔助產品及專業分工的管理方式,藉以實現「專業、溫暖、平價」之理念。本研究採質性研究方法,先以文獻探討銀髮居家照護之相關議題,並架構一套商業模式,最後再以深度訪談來修正模式實施的可行性。 訪談發現:本研究之商業模式,確切符合大多數銀髮居家安老的需要,但長者大多節儉,可接受之金額不高;反觀其子女卻願意支付較高之費用,來維持自己的生活品質。此外,在商業模式運作初期,各合作廠商的利潤會比以往低,不過此利潤會隨著銀髮族的增加而穩定成長。 本研究所提出的商業模式可行性很高,但仍有改善與修正的空間,期望此商業模式能儘快在市場執行,並依長者之實務需要進行調整,以確實照顧到需要之長輩,實現「在地老化,無憂向晚」的社會理想。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe population of the world is aging as well as Taiwan. The pattern of human disease is becoming from acute to chronic. The medical treatment will not just focus on the medication, as well as care. The estimation of dependency ratio shows that 1.5 people will take care of an elder at 140 years of the Republic. The economic burden of young adults will increase, they will be unable to take care of their elders well. In addition, human care will be in a serious shortage. Therefore, silver hair care will become a hot industry of this century. The purpose of this study is to propose a viable business model to meet up the silver-haired home care services, then to utilize the science and technology to manage the ancillary products and specialization, in order to achieve "professional, warm, affordable" principle. This study adopted qualitative research methods to investigate the literature related to the silver-haired home care issues and build a business model. Finally, to correct mode implementation through the interviews. Based on the Interviews, the business model of the study exactly satisfied with most of the silver-haired. However, most of the elder are thrifty with low acceptable payment; their children are willing to pay the high cost to maintain their quality of life. In addition, at the beginning of the manipulation of the business model, the various partners benefit lower than in the past, but the benifit increases as the senior number grows. The proposed business model is highly feasible, but there is still space for improvement and correction. We expect the business model can be executed in the market as soon as possible and adjusted in accordance with the need of the elderly to properly take care of them and to achieve "aging at home, worry-free among the life".en_US
dc.subjectBusiness Modelsen_US
dc.subjectHome Careen_US
dc.subjectTele-home Careen_US
dc.titleA Preliminary Study on Business Models of Elders' Home Care Servicesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis