標題: 互補或替代資訊呈現對消費者感知之影響-以旅遊網為例
The Impact of Complementary or Substitutes Information Format on Consumer Perception ─ An Example for Travel Website
作者: 韓鎮陞
Han, Jhang- Sheng
Jen, William
Lu, Tim
關鍵字: 替代分類;互補分類;消費者感知;消費者特性;時間壓力;substitute;complement;consumer perception;consumer characteristic;time pressure
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 網路蓬勃發展,越來越多消費者選擇在網路上購物,網路上的訊息量多且雜,故可藉由兩種訊息分類方式:替代或互補,讓消費者有所依循地找尋目標資料。替代分類為同一種類商品依屬性排列後呈現;互補訊息則為不同種類商品依相同使用目的分類後一併呈現。本研究欲探討消費者在一般情況、不同專業程度及不同時間壓力三種情況下,閱讀替代或互補訊息時的知覺反應。研究發現一般情況下,消費者較容易閱讀替代分類訊息,但互補分類訊息對消費者的吸引力較大;對專業消費者而言,互補分類訊息較難閱讀也不具吸引力,但互補分類訊息對新手消費者來說,閱讀起來較輕鬆也較具吸引力;對高時間壓力消費者而言,替代分類訊息較容易閱讀也較具吸引力,對低時間壓力消費者而言,替代分類訊息雖然同樣較容易閱讀,但互補訊息的吸引力較大。因此,當業者鎖定的目標族群較為專業,或是在時間上較有限制的消費者,訊息以替代分類較能受到消費者青睞。
As the Internet developed rapidly, more and more consumers used to shopping on the website, as a result, information usually organized into two ways, substitute or complement, in order to make it easier for consumer to find the target product. Substitute-based organization gathering the same assortment into one group to show product detail by attribute while complementary-based organization putting different assortment into a group as to show that they can be used by the same goal. The study is to understand that how the consumer perception will be changed when exposing to substitute-based or complementary-based information under three different circumstance.
The result show that, in general, substitute-based information is easier processing while complementary-based information is more attractiveness to consumer. Interestingly, complementary-based information is less attractiveness for expert but more attractiveness for novice. Additionally, consumers under high time pressure perceived less effort and more attractiveness when processing substitute-based information, on the other hand, even if consumers under low time pressure perceived less effort when processing substitute-based information as well, complementary-based information is more attractiveness to them. Therefore, sellers should notice that whether to use substitute-based or complementary-based information depends on target consumer. As mentioned, substitute-based information will be flavored by expert or consumer who perceived high time pressure.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153223