標題: 品牌延伸策略之研究-以羅技電子為例
The Research on Brand Extension Strategies: Logitech as An Example
作者: 何俊概
Anderson Ho
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 品牌態度;品牌延伸;消費者特性;Brand attitude;Brand extension;Consumer characteristics
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 中文摘要 在成熟市場中,如何兼顧核心競爭力與提高營收獲利,在永續生存與不斷成長的思維下,廠商除深耕既有利基產品,亦可藉由品牌延伸或購併事業來擴大營運規模。品牌是企業在顧客心目中的形象、認知與經驗的組合,品牌代表對產品的承諾。當廠商決定採用品牌延伸策略時,先從認識消費者特性開始,進一步評估各延伸策略的可行性與思考如何降低風險。 本研究主要目的在於瞭解消費者對原品牌態度及消費者特性對品牌延伸評價的影響為何 ? 選定專門製造周邊產品的瑞士羅技電子(Logitech)為研究對象,以品牌延伸相關文獻為基礎,提出研究架構與研究假說,驗證消費者特性及其對羅技電子原品牌的認知「品牌形象」、「品質認知」、「品牌忠誠度」、「品牌熟悉度」對品牌延伸策略四個構面「移轉性」、「替代性」、「互補性」、「困難性」的適合度評量的影響,據以歸納羅技電子品牌延伸策略之可行性,提供羅技電子品牌延伸與市場延伸規劃時的參考。主要結論為: 1.受訪者對羅技電子的原品牌態度具有高的評價,且原品牌態度彼此皆有顯著正相關,對於進行品牌延伸有良好契機與加分效果。對羅技產品認知評價較高的特質為: 值得信賴、高品質、持續創新。此結果符合該品牌的主要訴求。 2.消費者對羅技電子的品牌延伸策略四個構面適合度評量結果,符合原預期。 依序為:移轉性、替代性、互補性、困難性。 3.對原品牌態度認知較高的受訪者,較能接受該品牌移轉性與替代性延伸產品,對品牌互補性與困難性延伸產品,則沒有顯著影響。 4.女性、年輕族群對羅技延伸產品接受度較高,顯示羅技應加強女性與年輕族群的經營與行銷活動。教育程度、地區、職業,則對品牌延伸的適合度評價無顯著影響。
Abstract In the highly competitive market, how does a company sustain its core competency and keep driving revenue and profit? Most companies not only focus on existing valuable product lines, but also apply brand extension strategy or acquire new business to enlarge their scale. Brand is the firm’s image, awareness and experience of consumers, and also represents a commitment from the provider. Understanding consumer behavior and characteristics, is the first step when a firm decides to implement brand extention strategy. A company then could evaluate which extension strategies are appropriate with less risk. This study aims to explore how the parent brand attitude and consumer characteristics affect brand extension? Logitech, a Swiss company which is the world leader in the design, manufacturer, and marketing of variety of personal peripheral and interface products for personal computers and digital platforms, is selected for this study. The attributes of the attitude toward Logitech include Brand Image, Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Quality Awareness are associated with the customer evaluation on fitness of product line extension. The product line extension is examined from Transfer, Substitute, Complement and Difficult various dimensions. Finally, we present the possible ways of Logitech brand extension. The major conclusions of this study are as below: 1.Subjects show high regards toward Logitech products. Trust, Quality, Innovation characterize the product evaluation of Logitech. 2.The order of fitness regarding product line extension obtained from our survey suggests that the most appropriate product line extensions are ones with the nature of Transfer, followed by Substitute, Complement and Difficult. 3.Brand attitude has significant impacts on Brand extension of products characterized with the nature of Transfer & Substitute, but not with the nature of Complement & Difficult. 4.Female and young groups like to adopt new extended product. The attributes of education, location, and occupation have no significant influence on brand extension.