標題: 品牌延伸與消費購買決策關係之研究--以手錶品牌為例
A Study on the Relationship between Brand extension and Buyer behavior for example of watches brand
作者: 李貞德
Lee, Chen-Te
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 品牌;品牌延伸;消費者行為;多變量變異數分析;手錶;Brand;Brand Extension;Buyer Behavior;MANOVA;Watch
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 品牌延伸是指使用現有品牌去進入完全不相同的產品類別所涉及的策 略行為, 因發展新品牌所需負擔的風險及龐大的投資成本一直是企 業所無法克服的 難題。而品牌延伸策略可以為原品牌延續無 窮的生命週期,不斷地創造出新的 利潤。它可以提高公司的行銷 效率、增加消費者的品牌忠誠度與提高產品的邊 際利潤。 本研究從國外有關品牌延伸、消費者行為、及產品知識之相關文獻探討 後,加以整理歸納,提出本研究之觀念性架構及研究模式,用以研究品牌 延伸 與消費購買決策之關係。 本研究是以品牌強度、延伸範圍為自變數,以消費者的信任程度、態度、 購買意向為應變數,探討之間的關係,採取因子實驗設計的方式,並以日 間部 大學生為研究對象。使用的統計方法包括:敘述統計分析、 T檢定、單/多變量變 異數分析、重複測度設計、側像分析、相關與 迴歸分析。 本研究的實證結果發現不同 品牌延伸類型對消費者購買決策行為中的廣告注 意、品牌認知、 信任、態度、購買意向的影響為:(1)品牌延伸產品的廣告比一般 產 品的廣告較會引起消費者的注意。(2)消費者認為品牌延伸產品是品質 優良的品 牌,也認為他們是高知名度的品牌。(3)消費者面對品牌強 度較高、延伸範圍較近 的產品,信任程度較高。(4)消費者面對延伸 範圍較近的產品有較正面的態度,而 對不同品牌強度產品的態度則出 現了不一致的結果。(5)消費者對近程延伸與中程 延伸產品的購買意 向均高於遠程延伸服務的購買意向。(6)以產品知識作區分,不 論延 伸範圍的遠近,消費專家的態度與購買意向均高於消費新手。(7)不同 年級、 可支用所得、性別的消費者對延伸產品的信任程度、態度、購 買意向上均無顯著差 異。不同年紀的消費者對延伸產品的信任程度、 態度、購買意向上有顯著差異。 Brand extension is the strategic behavior of business to introduce different category product into market with original known brand. Because the high risk of developing new brand and numerous invest cost are always the difficult problems of business.The strategy of brand extension could continue the life cycle of the original brand and continuously create new profits for the business.It could increase the marketing efficiency ,enhance the consumer□ brand loyalty and increase the marginal profit of product. The research is a three (brand strength)by three (extended distance)full factorial design. Four hundred and eighty graduates and undergraduate students, age 18-30,were recruited to participate in this research. The statistic methods include descriptive statistic, t-test,two- way MANOVA,repeated measure design,profile analysis,correlation and regression analysis. The main conclusions of this study are : (1)The advertisement of brand extension product is more attractive than the new brand product.(2)The brand that extended to other product category is a high quality and famous brand in the consumer□ image.(3)As the brand strengh is higher,the confidence of consumer is high.As the extended distance is more near,the confidence of consumer is high.(4)As the extended distance is more near,the attitude of consumer is more positive.(5)Both the purchase intention of near extension product and middle extension product are higher than the far extension service.(6)Regardless of extended distance,the attitude and purchase intentions of consumer experts are higher than the consumer novices.(7) There are significant difference between different age consumer in the confidence,attitude,and purchase intention of extended product.