Title: | 消費者對品牌延伸評估因素之研究--以三C品牌延伸至通訊相關產品為例 The Evaluation of Consumer on Brand Extension -- Focus on 3C Brands Extend to Communication Products |
Authors: | 李秀真 Lee, Hsiu-Chen 黃仁宏!, !, !, !, !, ! Jen-Hung Hwang!, !, !, !, !, ! 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 品牌延伸;Brand Extension |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 品牌延伸目前已是應用廣泛的行銷策略,其延伸效果的評估亦成為 學者研究重要課題之一;本研究選擇新興科技的三C品牌延伸至通訊產品 為例,對影響消費者評估延伸因素做一整合性的研究。 本研究在整 體性探討影響消費者對品牌延伸之延伸延伸因素時,亦著重於比較實體核 心品牌與服務核心品牌進行品牌延伸之差異,並針對不同延伸方式之消費 者延伸評做了探討。 研究結果發現,1.品牌強度認知愈高之消費者, 對其核心品牌之延伸產品的評估亦較高;2.實體核心品牌延伸至實體產品 比較延伸至服務產品有較高之延伸評估,但其差異不顯著,而服務核心品 牌延伸至服務產品比延伸至實體產品亦有較高之延伸評估,且達顯著差異 ;3.核心品牌與延伸產品間的產品特性及品牌概念愈接近,則消費者對其 延伸產品的延伸評估愈高;4.在延伸至三C實體產品的延伸方式中,消費 者對委託設計生產的評估最佳,其次為技術合作,均優於自行生產,而在 延伸至服務產品方面,消費者對技術合作方式的延伸評估亦優於自行營運 ;5.消費者之產品知識不同將影響其對三C產品的延伸評估;6.延伸評估 與購買意向之間成正相關。 最後,並對業者提出行銷上的建議。 Brand extension is used as a marketing strategy and its effect is animportant issue by recent marketing scholars. The purpose of this studyis to integrated examine consumer evaluations of brand extensions andregards 3C brands extend to communication products as the direction of theresearch. The main conclusions of this study are: 1. The higher brand strength, the better consumer's extension evaluations. 2.If original core brands is service brands, the extension evaluations when it extends to the service goods better than it extends to the tangible goods. 3. The higher degree of fitness, the better brand extension evaluations. 4. The different extension typicality will influence the consumer's extension evaluations. 5. The difference of consumer's product knowledge will influence the extension evaluations. 6.There is positive correlation between extension evaluation and purchase intention. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63060 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |