Title: 基於共享經濟之社群美食共享推薦機制
A Recommendation Mechanism for Social Meal Sharing Economy
Authors: 謝政佳
Shie, Jeng-Jia
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 社群網路;社群關係;共享經濟;推薦機制;Social network;Social relationship;Sharing economy;Recommendation mechanism
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 隨著社群媒體使用人數的增加與普及化,共享經濟的議題在近幾年逐漸興起;藉由網路平台分享自身的時間、技術、資源來形成一個能產生商品與服務交換的系統,其中像是EatWith建立與陌生人一同吃飯,並透過平台讓使用者能夠選擇廚師的特色服務。然而,目前這些美食共享平台並沒有結合社群的功能,並且使用者可能無法快速的找到適合的廚師進而降低使用的意願。本研究出一個新的社群美食共享推薦機制,此機制結合社群關係、偏好等因素來進行分析,並依據結果來推薦適合的廚師人選給使用者。實驗結果顯示此機制可有效的提高推薦的準確率;另外,也幫助使用者去參與到符合自身飲食偏好的美食共享活動。
With the increasing popularity of social network and mobile devices, sharing economy has become a trending topic in recent years. This ability to share what is available allows customers to access goods or services when they are needed, such as EatWith, which makes travelers much easier to find the local food and has a nice dining experience. However, there are too many choices that users could find out which one is really fit to them. In this research, we will propose a recommendation mechanism for social meal sharing. Our research aims to discover and recommend the hosts that are with high relevance to visitors. Visitors and hosts’ preference, as well as their social network will be considered as core components in this mechanism.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353418
Appears in Collections:Thesis