Title: 電動機車推廣之關鍵因子分析
Evaluation on the key factors for buying E-scooters
Authors: 蔡惠雯
Bai, Hsunling
Keywords: 電動機車;空氣品質;電動機車推動策略;空氣污染;Electric scooter (E-scooter);air quality;air pollution;E-scooter promotion strategy
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 若要改善台灣廢氣對都會區空氣品質的影響,機車電動化是一個最佳的選擇,但至今成效仍不如預期。過去研究大多僅從消費者角度探討推動電動機車的原因,而本論文則是從消費者購買決策流程與產品銷售的商業流程來分析關鍵問題與排序,並根據電動機車目前產業現況提出具體可行的推動方案。問卷設計的方式是以定義電動機車潛在客群特徵與比例、用車習性與開銷、增加目標客群體驗電動機車機會、使用與售後服務等各方面為設計重點。 本研究藉由兩次問卷來了解電動機車推廣之限制因子,於第一份問卷確認受訪者的用車習性與交通部調查結果相近,並了解有超過半數的人有意願換購電動機車,但因為缺乏電動機車的試乘經驗而使得多數人對電動車的瞭解程度不夠,導致推動成效不彰。再經由第二份問卷分析結果,建議電動機車推動模式如下:車輛方面,建議車廠以極速70公里,空車價5萬為主打商品。體驗方面,建議以500人以上的大型社區舉辦月租體驗活動,月租費建議1千元上下,並藉由體驗滿意後帶動購車消費。使用與維修服務建議因為車輛群聚性,因此在該社區佈建電池交換站的投報率較高,同時車輛故障時以到府檢修方式可減少維修據點的營業成本。若能將上述模式從點、線、面逐步拓展到全台灣,不僅改善都會空氣品質,同時減少行駛吸入大量致癌廢氣的機率。
To improve the urban air quality and heman health in Taiwan, one of the best choices is to replace gasoline scooter to electric scooter (E-scooter). Past researches only focus on consumer point to explore the unsalable reasons, but this study uses purchased decision-making and sale product process to analyze and sort key issues. Based on these issues, a feasible solution is proposed in this study. The ultimate goals when designing the questionnaire are to define characteristics of the E-scooter, the proportion of the potential customer base, car expenses and habits which will use to increase the opportunity in E-scooter experience and service. The results of this study are summarized hereafter: For E-scooter maker, the maximum speed of around 70 km and sale prices of around NTD$50,000 will be the best product. To improve driving experience, the proposed method is to organize experience activities for large community (>500 people) and with the rent fee of around NT$ 1,000/month. Eventually, this business model can expand to everywhere in Taiwan and improve air quality and people health by reducing exhaust gas.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161506
Appears in Collections:Thesis