標題: 整合建築資訊模型、電腦模擬與知識本體之施工決策模式
Construction Decision-Makings Model Integrated with Building Information Modeling, Operations Simulation and Ontology
作者: 翁紹偉
關鍵字: 建築資訊模型;電腦模擬;知識本體;工期與成本估算;單價分析;Building Information Modeling (BIM);Construction Simulation (STROBOSCOPE);Ontology;Scheduling and Cost Evaluate;Unit Price Analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)為儲存、管理與應用營建資訊的技術,目前已被廣泛應用於營建工程進度管理與成本估算作業上。在工程進度管理上,BIM可以視覺化方式展示構件施工順序,具體呈現專案進度推展情形;在成本估算作業上,使用者可於BIM中加入構件成本資訊,配合模型中之數量以計算專案之成本。然上述之運用仍有其限制,包括(1)未善用BIM之計算與儲存資訊功能,協助工期的估算,與(2)不易於模型中建置構件單位成本之單價參數資訊。此外,施工決策方案的選擇須考量施工分區、機具數量、模板套數、工人配置數量以及工人是否加班等資訊,而這些因素會影響工期與成本的估算,現存研究並無針對此主題進行探討。有鑑於此,本研究提出整合BIM、電腦模擬與知識本體之施工決策模式,首先透過BIM進行數量計算,並使用電腦模擬技術分析不同資源配置下各施工決策方案之工期,並以合約工期做為確定施工方案之決策依據;再運用知識本體建立單價分析知識庫,研析施工作業項目之單價,進而估算該選定施工方案之成本。研究顯示,本研究所提之模式可協助廠商有效地分析施工決策方案,所獲得之方案資訊亦可做為施工管控之參考。
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an innovative technology involving the storage and management of construction information. In recent years, it has been widely used for construction scheduling and cost estimating. For scheduling, the sequence of building components construction can be clearly shown through BIM visualization function. BIM applications in cost estimating involve the input of building component information within BIM software and quantity takeoffs. However, these applications of BIM still present some limitations, such as the misuse of the BIM quantity takeoffs and information storage functions for evaluating project duration, and the difficulty to establish the unit price parameters of the building components. Moreover, construction methods depends on important information, such as the construction zoning, the quantity of machines, equipment and forms available, the number of workers, the working conditions of the workers (whether they work overtime or not). These factors considerably affect project duration and cost estimates. Surprisingly, there is no existing research exploring the above matter. Therefore, this study proposes a model to address the limitation and to facilitate evaluating both the duration and cost of construction plans and determining a plan which is most suitable for the needs of engineers and planners. The proposed model is based on BIM, computer simulation, and ontology: BIM provides quantity information, computer simulation estimates project duration, and ontology acts as a unit price analysis knowledge base for retrieving the unit prices of the work items in a construction plan and evaluating project cost. The results show that the proposed model can effectively assist decision-making in selecting construction plans, and generate necessary information for construction management and control.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079916801
Appears in Collections:Thesis