標題: 創業教育生態系統對創業過程之影響:以交通大學為例
Impacts of Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystems on Entrepreneurial Process: A Case Study of NCTU
作者: 陳韋伶
Chen, Wei-Ling
Lim, Sirirat SAE
關鍵字: 創業生態系統;創業教育;創業教育生態系統;創業過程;個案研究;entrepreneurship ecosystem;entrepreneurship education;entrepreneurship education ecosystem;entrepreneurial process;case study
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 創業相關議題近年來一直在浪潮上,創業這議題已成了顯學,然而孕育創業者與創業生態圈最重要的即是一區域內的創業生態系統,創業生態系統要建立,才可以鏈結創業過程裡所有需要的創業資源,也更能發揮其社群之影響力與擴散作用,並透過反饋使得創業生態系統能持續調節讓系統得以永續。而在思索如何形塑適合台灣的創業生態系統的框架下,培育創業人才的創業教育在創業生態系統一環裡必然扮演著重要的培育角色,從根基開始落實創業精神之教育,這樣的創業精神不是只是為了要培育創業家,最重要是去啟蒙人們對創新思維之訓練,此創新思維若能夠真正落實在每一個環節裡,必能為整個總體經濟環境帶來創新與進步,而創業教育的實踐則是推動創業生態系統必須深耕的第一步。 因此,本研究以交大創業教育生態系統為研究場域,在這孕育無數創業家的大學裡,採用交大學生個案研究與深度訪談方式,探討創業教育生態系統對學生創業過程之影響,藉此已發現: 1. 創業教育生態系統裡的課程、活動、研究在創業精神方面的融合與實踐,會直接影響學生對機會辨識與評估的能力,與對市場的掌握度,並攸關創業機會之存亡。 2. 形塑對創業資源生態圈之文化認同感,可擴展創業資源人脈網絡之鏈結,並加速創業生態圈之循環。 3. 創業系統裡之利害關係人:教授、校友、導師(mentor)對學生創業過程深具影響力,教授可以啟蒙學生對創業家精神的實踐與創業過程可培養的能力,導師制度能補足教育對市場端之落差,而校友能夠鏈結人脈網絡,三方可互相補足並發揮縱效。 4. 本研究最後分析結果並發現,導師制度(mentor)在現行台灣創業環境體制下之缺乏,而原本根據文獻所整理設計出的架構在此一構念下並不能凸顯導師制度在教育環境下之重要性,針對此構念,整本研究整合出合適應用在創業教育環境下之新理論框架。 關鍵字:創業生態系統、創業教育、創業教育生態系統、創業過程、個案研究
Entrepreneurial issue has been a promising and prominent subject in these years. Thus, the entrepreneurial ecosystem which breeds entrepreneurs and builds up ecosystem to accelerate and foster entrepreneurial process is the key issue that people are concerned and argue in nowadays. Entrepreneurship ecosystem can link up and accelerate the impacts of each inter-dependent actor, interacting with environment factors, and then developing and adjusting continually. After each continually adjusting process, the ecosystem will receive feedbacks from the outcome of the entrepreneurs and the feedbacks can help the ecosystem become sustainable. In this entrepreneurship ecosystem, the role of education is a key issue to breeds and foster the birth of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education initiates students to develop entrepreneurship and equips them with skills to face with challenges during their entrepreneurial process. The entrepreneurship can also create innovation in every fields not only for venture creation. Thus, this research thinks that entrepreneurship education is an important first step to promote entrepreneurship ecosystem nowadays, targeting National Chiao Tung University which fosters several successful entrepreneurs as researching field. Using NCTU students who have been devoted themselves into entrepreneurs as case study, discussing and figuring out the impacts of entrepreneurship education ecosystem on entrepreneurial process and finds out that: 1. The practice of entrepreneurship in curriculum, activities, and research will directly impact student’s capability of opportunity identification and evaluation, the capability to analyze market demand, and this relate to the survival of new venture. 2. Strengthening the culture identity can expand the linkage of network, and the feedback of alumni can accelerate the entrepreneurship ecosystem cycle. 3. The stakeholders in entrepreneurship education ecosystem: professor, alumni, and mentor do have great impacts on students’ entrepreneurial process. Professor can initiate student’s entrepreneurship and the education can equip them with skills to face challenge during venturing process; mentor can shorten the gap between school and market; and alumni can provide students with connection of successful alumni entrepreneurs. 4. The analysis outcome shows that the mentor mechanism in university has not been built up and most literature and ecosystem framework can not present the importance of mentor mechanism in university. According to this gap, this research develops a new framework that fits in entrepreneurship education ecosystem in Taiwan university. Key words: entrepreneurship ecosystem, entrepreneurship education ecosystems, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial process, case study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353510