Title: 超級競爭下的嬗變循環: 邁向超融合能力框架
The Transmutation Cycle in Hypercompetition: Toward a Hyper-converged Capability Framework
Authors: 王嘉莉
Wang, Jia-Li
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 典範轉移;動態能力;資源配置;資源構型;相對優勢;Paradigm Shift;Dynamic Capability;Resources Allocation;Resources Configuration;Comparative Advantage
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 超級競爭導致產業界限崩析及競爭格局的嬗變。惟具備動態能力的企業才有機會克服外在環境造成的劇烈變化及紅皇后效應並邁向成功。本研究透過資源基礎理論、動態能力及暫時性優勢的觀點重新檢視動態能力於超級競爭的環境下的相對概念。根據資源-進程-優先(RPP)框架建構超融合能力框架,藉由資源(再)配置、資源(再)構型及暫時性相對優勢產出的迴圈與循環讓企業在超級競爭的環境下生生不息。本文發現並歸納企業或企業家心中的優先順序顯現於資源配置的過程,無疆界組織架構及組織文化強化資源構型。再者,國家間或產業間的關係可提高或降低產出相對優勢的可能性。此外,典範轉移直接衝擊相對優勢的持久性並使得原始相對優勢或劣勢一夕之間豬羊變色並趨使產業格局嬗變無常。
Transmutation under hypervelocity has significantly collapsed the boundaries among industries. To overcome the “Red-Queen Effect”, dynamic capability is considered to be the major factor for success. Based on resource-based view, dynamic capability associated articles, and the age of temporary advantage, the contrasting conception of dynamic capabilities derived from resources-processes-priorities framework are reconceptualized as a cycle of resources (re)allocation, resources (re)configuration, and comparative advantage to explain how a firm survive in hypercompetitive environment. Corresponding to the dynamic capability structure, the finding reveals that prioritization is embedded in the processes of resources allocation. Organization boundaryless and organizational culture reinforce the resources configuration while relationships enhance comparative advantage. Eventually the paradigm shift impact the sustainability of comparative advantage and disadvantage as well as thoroughly transmuted the competitive landscape.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363711
Appears in Collections:Thesis