標題: 生產線人員排班最佳化模式之個案研究-以IC最終測試廠為例
A Case Study on the Shift Scheduling at an IC Final Testing Factory
作者: 謝育倫
Lin,Bertrand Miao-Tsong
關鍵字: 人力指派;排班;最佳化;shift scheduling;optimization
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本文以半導體末段製程之最終測試廠生產線作業人員排班為研究對象,考量其生產作業特性類似服務業,不僅為工時長的勞動產業,因處於半導體製造後段製程,常常處於訂單與產品進入公司不穩定且前置時間短的情況。在工廠之人員排班方式,通常僅由主管使用人工方式自行排班,主管於排班時大多未考慮到員工在排班的需求與喜好,且耗時無效率。因而使排班結果有失其公平性及影響員工之工作意願。 依上述問題,本研究針對個案公司生產線作業人員主管排班規劃作業方式,依據現況條件進行方案分析,考量以每日各班需求人數,員工休假與勞基法工作與休假規定作為人力安排作業之限制條件,可加入員工在排班前之喜好預排休假。因此,運用Gurobi最佳化套裝軟體與Microsoft C# 2013程式語言建立一人力排班模式,以最小化作業人員出勤數為衡量指標。除了解決人為指派作業耗時的問題,並可求得員工短期輪班或加班規劃解決公司短期人力不足的目的。本研究最佳化產生的指派結果,以達作業人力資源公平運用。因此,本研究可作為決策者短期人員排班及進行年度人力規劃與人力增減檢討等決策問題。
This research considers the construction of shift scheduling model for the IC final testing factory in wafer fabrication as a case study, whose properties are similar to make-to-order OEM service. Not only for long hours of labor industry, because of the previous semiconductor manufacturing process, the orders and the products enter this company is not stable and has short lead times. The shift scheduling in factory is usually planned manually by supervisor, that are not considered to the need and preferences of employees, and time-consuming and inefficient. The scheduling results lose its fairness and influence employees' willingness to work. According to the above question, this paper makes the plan analysis to the current situation of the way of shift scheduling from the supervisor of the factory which considering the labor’s need of every shift, work hours, time off and leave of absence that is ruled by the labor standards law, shift-work equitability, company polices, and the employee’s preference. Consequently, the case study to construct a shift scheduling model with minimization of the numbers of the worker attendance by using the GUROBI optimizer coverall software to arrange the shift schedule, has the unfair and non-efficiency of time consumption question except the solution manual work, and obtains the fairest result of worker shifting and overtime. Therefore, this research may solve the short-term shift scheduling, and for the manager makes the annual planning of human resource.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363419
Appears in Collections:Thesis