標題: 晶圓廠黃光微影機台之派工法則-以A公司為例
Dispatching Rule For Photolithography Machines in Wafer Fab-Case Study of A Company
作者: 張智傑
關鍵字: 黃光微影製程;垂直綁機;實驗設計;派工法則;Design of Experiments;Photolithography;Vertical Designation Machine Situation;Dispatching rule
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 由於世界各國之半導體廠商均積極爭食半導體晶圓代工此塊市場大餅,縮短生產週期時間便能使公司提前接獲客戶的單子並讓公司獲利。本研究以台灣某半導體晶圓製造商的一個晶圓廠為研究對象,該公司生產的新產品在黃光微影製程有垂直綁機機台的情況,再加上未找出一個適合垂直綁機情況下的派工法則,導致生產週期時間未符合客戶的要求,利用實驗設計法來規劃投片方式與派工方式,找出適合黃光微影垂直綁機情況下之最佳派工法則,成功讓生產週期時間低於客戶的要求。
The semiconductor manufacturers are actively competing with each other in the semiconductor foundry market around the world. Improving the cycle time can effectively shorten the time between the customer orders and make profit for the wafer Fabs. This study utilizes a Taiwanese semiconductor (A company) as a case study to develop a dispatching rule for photolithography machine in a wafer Fab. Because there is no dispatching rule in this company, the cycle time does not meet the requirements of it’s customers. Therefore, the object of this study is to apply the Design of Experiments (DOE) to develop an optimal dispatching rule for A company. The result of this study indicates that the cycle time of A company is significantly reduced by employing the proposed dispatching rule.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263319
Appears in Collections:Thesis