標題: 桃竹苗地區傳統音樂之樂曲及聲譜研究-以泰雅族口簧琴樂曲與笛、管、嗩吶吹奏之客家民謠為例
A Study on Music and Sound Spectrum of Traditional Music in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli region of Taiwan:A Case of Atayal's Jaw Harp Music and Hakka Music Played by Di, Guan, and Suona
作者: 陳怡婷
Chen, Yi-Ting
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Huang, Chih-Fang
關鍵字: 傳統音樂;民族音樂;泰雅族;口簧琴;客家;笛;管;嗩吶;聲譜;Traditional Music;Ethnomusicology;Atayal;Jaw Harp;Hakka;Di;Guan;Suona;Sound Spectrum
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 臺灣傳統音樂在多元民族的交融下,擁有多彩多姿的面貌,而各民族各具風采的音樂結構,多年來吸引眾多學者投入傳統音樂的研究之列。本論文以桃竹苗地區為範疇,針對泰雅族口簧琴音樂及笛、管、嗩吶所吹奏之客家民謠分析音樂結構,並針對此兩族群之代表性吹類樂器進行器樂音響之聲譜分析,嘗試藉由音訊軟體Adobe Audition及MATLAB等電腦程式之輔助,進行面向更完整的傳統音樂研究。 研究結果發現,在音樂結構上,客家民謠的曲式結構較複雜,並以中國傳統五聲音階中的宮、徵、羽調式為主;泰雅族樂曲結構較單純,演奏型態自由即興,調式雖不明確、卻類似於中國五聲音階的組成方式。在音程方面的使用情形,兩族音樂大致相同,並發現部分泰雅族樂曲和客家民謠較少使用不協和音程,在聽覺上給予人較平穩和諧之感受。在樂器聲譜分析部分,發現口簧琴和笛、管、嗩吶有不同的音律系統,且發聲原理上的差異,使笛、管、嗩吶在吹奏時,表現性較口簧琴更強,也能作出更豐富的吹奏技巧;然而儘管在樂器形制及發聲原理上有所不同,這些樂器卻擁有相近的泛音列組成結構。
Since Taiwan is a country with multiculturalism, Taiwanese traditional music is rich and colorful. The two main nations of Taiwan are Taiwanese aborigines and Han nationality, therefore, this thesis takes Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli region of Taiwan as the geographical scope, analyzes the music structure of Atayal (one ethnic group of the Taiwanese aborigines) and Hakka (one ethnic group of the Han nationality) to look into the music figures of the two ethnic groups. In addition, this thesis analyzes the sound of Atayal's "Jaw harp" and Hakka's wind instruments Di, Guan, and Suona from different aspects, such as the sound spectrum using Adobe Auditoin and Matlab, as a more comprehensive way of doing research in music. The result showed that the mode of Hakka music is mostly based on Chinese pentatonic scale while Atayal music doesn't show its mode clearly. Furthermore, the music structure of Hakka music is more complicated than Atayal according to its varied melody figures. However, the two ethnic groups' music share a similar way of interval usage. In addition, the sonority of some pieces is quite harmonious since it does not use dissonant interval through the whole piece at all. As for the comparing of the musical instruments, the result found out that Atayal's Jaw harp and Hakka's wind instruments (Di, Guan, and Suona) are tuned in different temperament systems. Besides, because of the different ways of playing, Hakka's wind instruments are more expressive while playing than Atayal's Jaw harp. One thing should be noticed is that Atayal's Jaw harp is able to increase the number of notes by playing the harmonics of foundamental tone, while Hakka's wind instruments have limited number of notes.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070151911