標題: 影響使用者信任之視覺美感因素探究 - 以手機購物網站為例
An Exploration of the Visual Aesthetic Effects on the User’s Trust: A Case Study of Mobile Shopping Websites
作者: 周書暉
Chou, Shu-Hui
Lee, Jim-Jiunde
關鍵字: 手機購物網站;信任;使用性;視覺美感;情緒;Mobile shopping websites;Trust;Usability;Visual aesthetic;Emotion
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 面對行動商務之發展趨勢,本研究以信任為切入點,將其視為影響使用者採用手機購物網站的關鍵因素,並提出情緒因素(如視覺美感)所扮演的角色,可能更甚於使用性對於信任之影響。 本文旨在探討影響使用者信任之視覺美感因素,並據此提出手機購物網站之設計,進一步探索視覺美感、情緒與信任三者之間的關聯性。 本研究分為兩階段:研究階段一,藉由深度訪談進行歸納與分析,共歸納出八項影響信任之視覺美感因素,可作為實務設計之參考,有助於提升使用者的信任感知;研究階段二,透過實驗蒐集資料並以統計方法驗證,結果發現,情緒扮演著視覺美感與信任之間的中介關係,視覺美感所激起的正向情緒,會影響使用者對手機購物網站的信任。
Due to the trends in the development of mobile commerce, this study took trust as the starting point that trust was the key factor affecting adoption of mobile shopping websites, and proposed that the role of emotion, especially visual aesthetic, had the stronger influence on trust than usability. This article was aimed to discuss the issue of visual aesthetic impacting on trust in mobile shopping websites and proposed design factors for mobile interface. Furthermore, it explored the relevance of visual aesthetic, emotion and trust. The study was divided into two phases. Phase 1 adopted in-depth interviews that finally generalized eight design factors of visual aesthetic, which can be used to design in practice to enhance user confidence in mobile shopping websites. Phase 2 employed the experimental method and the results indicated that emotion was the intermediary between visual aesthetic and trust. The positive emotions evoked by visual aesthetic affected the user’s trust in mobile shopping websites.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079841513