Title: 在一般交通流量下之車用網路資源共享的演算法
A Resource Sharing Algorithm in Common Traffic Load for Vehicular Networks
Authors: 温晨宏
Wen, Chen-Hung
Lee, Tsern-Huei
Keywords: 車用網路;資源區塊;資源共享;Vehicular network;resource block;resource sharing
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 車用網路透過車對車(V2V)以及車對路邊設備(V2I)增進車輛安全以及改善車流壅塞狀況。在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個讓多條連線可以在保證各自訊噪比的狀況下共用資源區塊以提高產出的演算法。由於在車用網路的高速環境下,減少演算法運算所需時間格外重要,因此我們提出一個篩選演算法,目標為讓更多的連線加入共享,並增加產出,且減少運算複雜度。透過模擬結果,我們將會呈現我們的演算法不但讓更多的連線共同分享資源區塊,同時提高產出,並且縮短演算法所需時間。
Vehicular network can support road safety and traffic efficiency by vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) and vehicular-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. In this thesis, we propose an improved resource-sharing algorithm which can make some communication links share a resource block under the circumstances of each link having promised SINR to increase the throughput. In vehicular network, the high speed environment, computation time of an algorithm is extremely important. So we propose a selective algorithm to make more links share the resource block, increase the throughput, and decrease the complexity of the algorithm. Through the simulation result, we can present our algorithm not only decrease the time it cost, but make more links share the resource block, and increase the throughput at the same time.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360249
Appears in Collections:Thesis