標題: 低成本航空公司Kano二維品質模式之研究
The Study of Kano Two Dimensional Quality Model of Low Cost Carriers
作者: 羅浩瑋
Lo, Hao-Wei
Wang, Jin-Yuan
關鍵字: 低成本航空;Kano二維品質模式;顧客滿意度;Low-Cost Carriers;Kano Two-Dimensional Model;Service Quality
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 截至2013年為止,在台灣營運的低成本航空共有17間,其中有2間為台灣本土低成本航空,分別為台灣虎航與威航,而低成本航空在台灣的市占率也從一開始的1.08%上漲到7.27%,顯示低成本航空在台灣扮演了一個很重要的角色,且亦甚鉅地影響到傳統航空在台灣航空業的市場佔有率。 本研究之研究目的為找出航空公司所提供的服務中哪些是顧客喜歡的、想要的,哪些服務是顧客感到滿意或感到不太滿意的,並試圖找出哪些服務會影響到顧客之忠誠度。 本研究之研究對象為曾經搭乘台灣虎航的民眾,問卷總共有3個部分,分別為受測者之基本資料、服務品質與顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度。在基本資料中包含了性別、年齡、教育程度、職業與旅次目的。而在第二部分則包含了5個構面,最後一個部分則是顧客再購買意願與推薦他人搭乘之意願。 本研究建構了一套基於SERVQUAL方法並結合Kano二維品質模式的量表,以用於台灣之低成本航空市場。 透過本研究,我們發現有部分服務是顧客感到不滿意的,分別為員工的回應性、餐點的費用、娛樂設施的費用、選位費用、變更費用、異業結盟方案價格與機上免稅品之費用。而在顧客忠誠度的部分,大多數的顧客有很高的再購買意願及推薦他人的意願。 本研究提供了兩點改善顧客滿意度的建議,第一點是針對員工對於突發事件的回應性,航空公司應針對此部分進行一個更完善的員工訓練。第二點為應在考量營運成本符合經濟效益的情況下,調整餐點、娛樂設施、異業結盟方案及機上免稅品之項目及價格,以提升顧客滿意度。
Up to now, there are 17 Low-Cost carriers running their business including two of them established in Taiwan, which are Taiwan Tigerair and V-air. The market shares of those operating routes in Taiwan have been raised from 1.08% to 7.27%.It is easy to observe that Low-Cost Carriers play a very important stage in Taiwan and affect greatly on the market shares of Full-Service Carriers (FSCs). The purpose of this study is finding out what kind of service the consumers will prefer and whether they satisfied with those services and willing to repurchase and recommend to others. This study will focus on consumers who have taken Taiwan Tigerair before. There are 3 parts in the questionnaire, which are the basic information of participants, service quality and consumer satisfaction, and the last one is consumer loyalty. Firstly, we determined the important control variables as gender, age, educational level, job position, and purpose of last trip. In the second part, service quality and consumer satisfaction, it includes 5 aspects. In the last part, it includes consumers’ repurchase intention and they would like to recommend or not. This study builds a new measurement which is applicable to Taiwan market based on SERVQUAL measurement and apply Kano two-dimensional model into the questionnaire. Through the surveys, we found that there are several services consumers feel unsatisfied, which are responsiveness of employees, charges of meal, charges of entertainment facilities, charges of seat selection, charges of changing, charges of package tour, and charges of in-flight duty-free items. And in the consumers loyalty part, most of passengers have high repurchase intention and also have high recommendation intention. In this study, we provided some suggestions to improve the consumers’ satisfaction. First one is considering the situation of economic cost, try to modify their menu of meal, entertainment facility list, package tour list, and their in-flight duty-free item list more often.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253620