标题: 改善OGS触控面板之装饰层抗静电防护能力研究
The study of anti-electrostatic discharge ability for the sensor of OGS touch panel
作者: 郑莛薰
关键字: OGS;触控面板;静电放电;低介电常数绝缘材料;触控感测器;OGS;touch panel;electrostatic discharge;low dielectric constant insulating material;touch sensor
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 近年来,随着触控面板技术的提升及消费大众对电子产品使用的普及化,触控面板技术的提升俨然成为光电产业重要的指标,然而OGS电容式触控面板成为触控面板的主流技术。触控面板在没有防护元件的保护下,容易产生静电放电(Electrostatic Discharge,ESD)造成损伤,成为触控面板制程中影响良率的重要关键因素。
本研究主要目的在探究能有效解决目前OGS触控面板在制造或组装过程之ESD(静电放电)问题,使其减低因静电造成的损耗,以达到提升良率,降低成本的需求,整合OGS触控面板之抗ESD保护能力,并在没有防护元件的情况下,藉由设计触控单元新增加一层低介电常数之绝缘材料来提升触控面板之装饰层抗ESD的能力,并提出在不减少OGS触控面板可用的布线面积及有效预防改善OGS触控面板结构以及单元的布局之OGS 触控面板用以提高ESD防护能力机制。
With the upgrading of touch panel technology and population of consumer using electronic products in recent years, the upgrading becomes an important index in the photovoltaic industry.
OGS capacitive touch panel becomes a mainstream in this domain. Touch panel is easy to be damaged by ESD without protective element. It affects the yield rate and be an important factor in overall manufacturing process.
The main purpose of this study is to explore effective solutions in order to solve the ESD(electrostatic discharge) issue of OGS touch panel within manufacturing and assembling process. it could reduce the losses caused by static electricity and enhance yield rate with lower cost.
Our study is also to integrate anti-ESD protection of OGS touch sensor by designing OGS sensor without protective elements, and proposed add a layer of insulating material of low dielectric constant and available layout area plus improving effective prevention of OGS touch sensor structure.
My research proposes robust anti-ESD design of OGS touch sensor.
It's proved that our anti-ESD design has improved about three times than old deigns by experiments.
My study has contributed much to reduce ESD of OGS touch sensor structure and be a follow-up product design reference.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161610