標題: 電子票證信用卡發卡暨行銷策略- 以元大愛金卡為例
The strategies of issuing electronic fare credit cards - A case study on Yuan-ta iCash credit cards market research
作者: 姚明志
Yao, Ming-Chih
Huang, Shih-Ping Kevin
關鍵字: 電子票證;信用卡;愛金聯名卡;擇卡因素;元大銀行;支付策略;Electronic fare card;Credit card;iCash credit card;Holder’s intention;Yuan-ta bank;Strategies of payment
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣國民人均持有三張電子票證,已為消費常態。2007年,悠遊聯名卡進軍信用卡市場以來,迅速拓展雙卡合一的消費樣態。近年,更臻多元的電子票證進入信用卡市場,提供發卡銀行切入新市場的機會,在電子票證融入生活支付的趨勢下,未來電子票證信用卡的策略如何精準迎合市場期待,是發卡銀行拓展業務的關鍵課題。 本研究透過完整的問卷調查,針對電子票證或信用卡持卡人,於網路發放510份問券,回收有效問券499份,收斂電子票證信用卡的市場意象,探詢大眾對使用電子票證聯名卡的習慣、重視因素與偏好。觀察元大及其他六間銀行六月底發行之iCash電子票證聯名卡,分析發卡行品牌力、愛金卡市場產品競爭力與行銷機會點,進而提供發卡機構未來發展電子票證信用卡的發卡策略、行銷資源配置相關建議。   研究結果證實,電子票證或信用卡持卡人對資安與服務管理、簡明的現金回饋制度、電子票證通路佈局、發卡機構品牌印象最為重視,問卷亦反映出民眾對行動趨勢的顧慮。元大在併購大眾銀行後,信用卡產品線整併與資源整合是迫切課題。
Based on the growth of electronic fare cards’ market in Taiwan, this study reported considerations of electronic fare credit cards users through market research. To put effort on the project, my professor Kevin, manager of Yuan-ta and I adopted the online questionnaire to conduct the sample survey in Taiwan. This study distributed 510 questionnaires, including 499 valid questionnaires. Nowadays, every Taiwanese has 3 electronic fare cards for consumption in average. Since 2007, the first EasyCard credit card (悠遊聯名卡) launched and became a new popular payment tool. We can choose more and more kinds of electronic fare credit cards in the market recent years, such as iCash credit cards (愛金聯名卡) and iPass credit cards (一卡通聯名卡). Banks and issuers can get a great insight to fulfill customers’ need. The survey was designed for Yuan-ta bank (元大銀行) to review the strategy of Yuan-ta iCash credit card (元大愛金卡) and to deploy marketing resources for the future policies of payment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253002
Appears in Collections:Thesis