Title: OpenFlow排程型批次動作針對一致性網路更新的效能量測
Performance Evaluation of OpenFlow Scheduled Bundles for Consistent Updates
Authors: 鍾辰
Jhong, Chen
Wang, Shie-Yuan
Keywords: 網路更新;openflow;schedule update;timed bundle
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在此篇論⽂中,我們使用Open vSwitch 實作了OpenFlow scheduled bundle,並且在⼀個真實的SDN 網路環境中,使用不同的情境量測其 效能表現。Scheduled bundle 是⼀個非常新穎的功能,最先被納⼊的標 準為OpenFlow specification 1.4,其目的為達到網路更新的⼀致性,然 ⽽,不論是硬體或是軟體交換機,此功能尚未被實作在任何真實有效 的OpenFlow 交換機上,因此,目前沒有任何⼀篇論⽂針對scheduled bundle 有效性、效能表現做出量測。本⽂首先會先說明網路更新⼀致 性的必須性,並且列出已經被提出的解決⽅案。接著,我們將列舉幾 個真實應用的情境,說明網路更新時可能會引發的問題,並將我們實 作的細節提出。最後,我們分別設計兩個實驗去量測我們的實作,並 以簡潔的結論和未來⽅向作為結尾。
In this paper, we implemented OpenFlow scheduled bundle in the Open vSwitch software switch and evaluated its performance in SDN testbed networks under different scenarios. The scheduled bundle is a very new mechanism proposed in the OpenFlow protocol for achieving consistent updates among multiple SDN switches. However, this feature has not been supported in any hardware SDN switches or any software SDN switches such as the very popular Open vSwitch software switch. As a result, no results about the performance and effectiveness of scheduled bundle have been reported in the literature. In this work, we implemented scheduled bundle in Open vSwitch, which is the first implementation of scheduled bundle in the world, and evaluated its performance and effectiveness under various conditions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356539
Appears in Collections:Thesis